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LAN Thanks Thread

Created 25th August 2014 @ 15:32

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UbeR |

i just got home. it was amazing.

Haven’t met a single person that was a dick (even coleman was nice when he got a bit sobered up). so many hugs, so many drinks, so many funs.

I want to thank everyone that was there, or wass watching at home.

TF2 is amazing



The whole production team – you guys are the bomb, it’s amazing what you can achieve and it’s all out of love <3

Everyone who attended and signed up to the tournament (before the deadline too, most of you! :p) – can't have the event without you, and all the hype some of you bring. We'll see what the future holds, but we gotta have more games of that quality, so I guess we better have more LANs!

Everyone who signed up and also didn't bollock me for the shittest tournament briefing ever (lol, I was so confused, I didn't even realise that many of you were there, I thought the dota briefing or something was happening at the same time :D) somewhat underprepared in my panic to get the servers working.

The 7 of you who rented PCs from Eclipse – thanks for making that run smoothly, hopefully that means they'd be happy to do it again if required

aaand, the ones of you who put up with me on the final night trying to cram some social time in (flip dem cups). Good to see some old faces, and a pleasure to meet some new ones.

Rob – for your highlander efforts.

Cheers Epsilon, you kept me busy ;) i'm sorry I had to bark orders and nag you so much

Shellfish Clive


Quoted from Permzilla

Shoutout to everyone I met and talked to, except Clive. Fuck you Clive.

Perm don’t pretend like we didn’t have an amazing time, Perm we bonded so nice over that, so what you got your admin removed because of me. It should be a sign not to listen to me, we both know it was a bad idea but the comedy value was there.

I would like to say a huge thanks to Toot better known as WARS Girlfriend for buying me my LAN ticket I will pay you back as soon as possible, thank you ever so much.

Thank you for Ceegee and Bones for giving me somewhere to stay over the weekend cause I am a poor as shit little boy who can’t even fucking afford fucking shitballs.

Thank you to AYOGURL, AwS and the legendery UCAP members, CATS.TF, Gubbins Team (What the fuck are you called?), Toot and anyone else sat on my row for giving an amazing time when I was sat at my computer.

Thank you to EPSILOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON for giving me what I can only describe as the most intense, erection I have ever had at LAN. It was amazing watching them play, I know I shouldn’t bring up the finals for the team but well done on getting 2nd (top kek).

Thanks to Byte for insulting me all the time you fucking piece of shit I will completely ruin you next LAN, oh wait you aren’t going cause you are scared of me. I ain’t surprised I will destroy you.

Thanks to FIR for, well, showing up. You are a foot.

I don’t know who I forgetted in this but whoever I did forgetted I am sorry but I do thank you, you have all been amazing. Except Coleman, I’m still unsure of you.

Fank U Coleman Kek. All Lan Fights Interrupted Epsilon.




Timon for letting us stay in his house and using his shower
Thanks to some guy who handed me a pint whilst I was pissing and made me toast to pissing
KnoxXx’s advice for koston – “To be the best, you’ve got to play with the best”
Byte for touching my arms and saying I felt solid
Sideshow for sympathising with me when my car also broke down
Ash for explaining the difference between good and bad Currywurst
Pizza tower
Yak & D! for letting me join their LAN team.

also special thanks for Lyrete not being there as he would have ruined the whole thing

Last edited by Maxi,



Well there are absolutely no words for me to describe this lan… I mean everyone was just super nice, so many hugs were given/received, and there wasn’t anything that I didn’t like.

Being my first lan I had no idea the dimensions of it, but now that I’ve been to one, I am sure I will be back next.

As everyone else said I don’t want to be saying names cause I would probably forget someone but big thumbs up to everyone I hugged, flipped cups with, withstood me eating cottage cheese, buying strange stuff at the supermarket, cheered for me while I bench pressed (xD), and just about everything that happened that weekend.

And a big shoutout to CommanderX for 120hz monitor and Mike for the pc and keyboard :D

Love you all guys <3333

Last edited by Kiler4fun,



thanks to kay for 120hz monitor
thanks to everyone else for being lovely guys, love you all
also special thanks to tc, making being tc hallow quite fun



Was very cool to watch, props all.


(ETF2L Donator)

already said thanks in real life to you, but one more time
-thanks to nymthae, who organized me a pc
-thanks to byte everything!
-thanks to everyone who run this tournament+the streamer, caster and everyone!
-thanks to the tc community
-thanks to my team
and thanks to everyone i met! was so nice to meet you, not a single one there who was beeing a dick, everyone was so nice! hope to see you all next year again!: )


For the same reasons I won’t be naming everyone, however I’d like to thank everyone I hugged (420 total) or talked to. You all made the weekend very special. To all of the regulars that I’ve met before, don’t ever stop coming, LAN wouldn’t feel like home without you. To all of the new people I met, come back, I won’t let you go next time. Special shoutout to Fanva who showed up for no reason other than Shintaz telling him to, your dryhumping was phenomenal. Also shoutout to Epsilon Misty, my gf and my team for supporting my terrible behaviour. To everyone I didn’t say goodbye to, which I realise was quite a few, I’m sorry to have missed you and can’t wait to see you again. Fuck the 350 days of the year that I’m not at lan, they suck.


(ETF2L Donator)

First up, thanks mostly to gubbins. I wouldn’t have bothered showing up if you weren’t the nicest dude I know. Thanks brother.

Of course, Alex, ramone, Dylan, Simon. Along with gubbins, you were my first LAN team, and you helped me get through groups, which is all I wanted. You guys were super accommodating and an absolute joy to spend the weekend with.

Tweak, Loris, Eepily. I’d have been alone quite a lot if you guys hadn’t been the best company. Hopefully we can chill out again in the very near future.

And thanks to everyone who gave me the time of day. I get pretty shy around new people and have trouble starting conversations. I think I have come out of LAN a whole lot more confident in my social ability. It means a fuck ton to me that you’re all so friendly. I only regret not trying harder to get to know you all.

Also shoutout to lux for being a generally lovely human being all weekend and worms for always picking me in the doublemixes. I love you man.

Last edited by omnibombulator,



special thanks for the production crew for an ridiculous work that was done.
thanks to everyone who was there and helping eachother
was fun to met irl, had loads fun (had headache tho :()
and sideshow :D:D
it was really precious to be there
also thanks to shintaz&coleman casting. was INSANE!!! :D (keep doing it :D)
Special thanks to kr4tos for being such a nice guy and helpfull

and much thanks for the rest!

(sorry for the shit english)

it was really really fun to be there would be there again (10/10)


(ETF2L Donator)

thanks to uli for always taking the shitty seat in all the cabs and cars we drove with, sleeping in the shitty bed at the hotel, and sitting on the shitty seat at LAN.


-also thanks to b0nes and the rest of the guys from team john for not being pissed about me being too retarded to arrive on time

+everyone else for being so nice and friendly, definately going next year if it is happening


(ETF2L Donator)

Basically, the whole thing was grand, but special mention must go to lovely friends Alex, Lux, Gubbins, Omni (for some of the best unconscious pyro play I’ve ever seen), CeeGee THE ALMIGHTY BABE, Sneakeh, Loris, Tweak, Clive, Squirrel, Ramown, Smzi, Zebbosai (for truly understanding the plight of the low-value coins and playing basically the most intense game of FIFA ever), Stark (for breakfast popcorn and consistently wearing tweaks outfit), Kaidus (for some of the best Highlander medic plays I’ve ever seen) and obviously the entire production crew who really made this LAN just unbelievably amazing to be at, even if I couldn’t bring my computer.
The TF2 community as a whole have just made the event easily my favourite part of the year so far and has given me such an obscene amount of hype for future events.
I’ve likely missed people out, but I thought I’d give it a try since I enjoyed reading my name in other peoples posts, but have no fear. If I even talked to you once this LAN, you will have been fundamental to making it what it was. That’s right, even you random dota guys who lurked in the background and asked each other whether TF2 was “basically CSGO”.
Oh, and Luke and Adam. You put up with so much nonsense from me, loris and tweak this weekend. Right on chaps.



Dr. med.

While I was quite looking forward to the LAN, it highly succeeded my expectations! I’ll probably bring a better machine next time though, the 20 fps failstabs were not fun.

But in the end, that didn’t matter at all! So many friendly and awesome people in one spot, I was blown away. It all seemed like a big family. Everyone was so welcoming. Especially with the Highlander guys it felt like we had known each other for way longer than a weekend, even if we hadn’t even talked online before.

Special shoutouts to the production team. The production quality was so professional.

Thanks for team addict! for the trip and motivating me come in the first place. “I’ll rent a van in Austria and pick up everyone else on the way, we’ll just sleep in front of Tesco after arriving in the middle of the night”. Crazy, wouldn’t do it again, totally worth it.

Also, in no particular order, thank you Palmsky (that Bombardier, nomnom), foungi, Scissors, Khazul (MVP), REM, Spy Jesus (Grenjabob), Hildreth, Qnai, Team Epsilon (especially Mike, very congenial), Sonny, smzii, Setsul, Ash, Rob (incredibly friendly, so much effort put into the HL tourney), Russian Guyovich (great job organising the HL tourney as well!), Allyy (we unfortunately didn’t talk, but sitting behind you watching Epsi vs. Mix^ was hilarious), Admirable (prem hugging), Davidthewin and many others I’m sure I forgot, but only at this very moment.

Last edited by Selek,



Big thanks!
-Nymthae and eclipse for the rental pc.
-Multiplay staff for hosting this tournament again.
-Casting crew for the huge effort and awesome casts.
-Everyone I spoke to.
-My team for a fun lan of good games.
-Everyone I forgot to mention

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