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Dear VTV

Created 25th August 2012 @ 16:10

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I don’t know what problems you had yesterday, but you shouldn’t give a damn about people not understanding that there are technical difficulties or are human and need to sleep because it wasn’t planned that Pline will come 2 hours late.

Problem #1 : I just watched TCM vs LG and it was a fine cast. I know it isn’t the finals yet, but for the biggest TF2 LAN ever, I would like a little more enthusiasm, were already in the Knock-Out stages and TCM vs LG is a big guys game.

Solution : Get some coffee, go for a quick jog before casting. Look at yourself in the mirror, get your face real close and say “Lets do this”. Get wide awake and have your adrenaline rushing.

Problem #2 : I am having a hard time of understanding what is going on in terms of games played, games yet to be played, what was casted, what will be casted next ETC

Solution #2 :
A couple options:

1. Maybe make a big post that will keep getting updated with all games that have been played so far.

2. Put all the games in the matchticker. If you give me the approval, I’ll add the games yet to be played, and maybe the “highlight” of games that were played in the group stage. (meaning, including non Top8 games).

3. Add a Marquee-Headline in between casts that says: “Next Up: Epsilon vs Mixup in 30 minutes~”. If you have nothing to show in between casts such as the Sal-Seb interview that just ended, put some nice music and that bad-ass pic of the TF2 models watching VTV.

I’m not sure if this is coming in too late, the schedule for tomorrow on the site says tomorrow is only the finals.

Anyway, I enjoyed and will be enjoying your work, keep strong.

Maybe organize a Reddit circlejerk to upvote and comment and the cast notices? to do this at least for the Finals is a most. You can post in r/Gaming as well.

Also you can get people to post in their local country forums of different TF2 Communities / pubbers, that have a shit load of players that don’t follow ETF2L/VTV and probably don’t even know what it is. I know I will be doing on the Israeli sites.



Problem #1 is not a problem. IMO the casting has been great. Nice interviews. I think you’re being a bit overly picky.



you’re retarded enough as it is Trath. just stop.


\V/ Gold

If I would be VTV staff I’d also consider prioritising basic stuff (providing STV, providing a good stream without constant echoes but working ingame sound etc etc etc) over fancy all the optional nice to haves (fancy images, fancy website etc). You may also want to provide a “contact person” who can be contacted by people who want to tell you what’s wrong on the stream. The twitch chat is a nightmare.

Other than that, great games and great commentators work!


Quoted from dougiie

Problem #1 is not a problem. IMO the casting has been great. Nice interviews. I think you’re being a bit overly picky.

The casting was indeed great, and I liked the interviews as well. I did not say otherwise.
I’m not picky, I just think that even thou Extine and Beta were great, there wasn’t enough enthusiasm for that game.

RenTas nice bangwagon comment that is empty from content.


according to staff its much more important to have good hud instead of good stream :]

p.s. <3 arx and beta, good stream on 2nd chan, too bad it doesnt have quality options but oh well, it least its watchable

also trath, half of the advertising ur criticizing about you could do yourself, so if you got something you could help with, why not to do it instead of whining about it?

Last edited by AnimaL,

Spike Himself


Trath, you underestimate the efforts put in by volunteers. Be required to provide coin for the service, only then you are granted a right to complain.



Quoted from Spike Himself

Trath, you underestimate the efforts put in by volunteers. Be required to provide coin for the service, only then you are granted a right to complain.

I think well thought out crit is fine, if you pay ofc your opinion is more important, but saying you have to pay to say anything negative is kind of silly.


Quoted from AnimaL

according to staff its much more important to have good hud instead of good stream :]

p.s. <3 arx and beta, good stream on 2nd chan, too bad it doesnt have quality options but oh well, it least its watchable

also trath, half of the advertising ur criticizing about you could do yourself, so if you got something you could help with, why not to do it instead of whining about it?

The only thing I said I could do myself is the matchticker. When I finished this post, I went to the site to do it, but it was already done. Somebody did it while I was typing.
I usually write this kind of stuff on #VanillaTV but I got banned there because I offended somebody.

Spike, I’m pretty sure this counts as constructive criticism.

I’m probably just whiny because US is kicking EU ass



As far as I know, the biggest viewer count so far was a group stage match yesterday with 3.4k viewers. Since then it’s been getting close, but despite quality matches it hasn’t gone above that. I feel like the group stages was really overhyped, and then when people showed up expecting a wicked NA v EU showdown, they were quite let down by a lagging stream without any casts at the time. So quite a lot of new viewers might have been scared off there. A bit sad really, but I guess nothing can be done about that at the moment other than hyping the final.


Oh god it’s Trath again.

Tapley ❤


Although the way Trath comes accross is of a whiney troll, which may be true, but he does have some points. Vanilla do appear to be slacking a bit on the coverage front, they appear to have a lot of staff and should be getting lots of games lined up, communication out to the public, getting info from us admins but it hasnt really happened that much? (Admirable stop drinking! :D)

I think this side stage has made them focus a bit too much on their presence at lan rather than their audience at home.

However when they do have games on it has been very good quality and enjoyable, and ofc they are volenteering their time to do this for people so you really can’t rip on them that much. I felt their coverage and game casts at i45 was in the perfect amount, shame its not been as frequent at i46 :[, but ofc they have had technical problems also so its understandable.


I honestly don’t understand how what I wrote can come out as trolling or whining.
I just put out what I think can be improved and how I think it can be improved.

Obviously people like RenTas and Trane don’t care what is said, they probably didn’t even read anything, just saw my name and straight to some “oh god its trath shit”.
If you think something I wrote here is wrong, your more than welcome to write your opinion and kick my ass in the debate. Until then go suck on your moms tits. ( =grow up)

Admirable and eXtine is hot. eXtine needs to learn how to say Kaidus

Last edited by Trath,



Quoted from Trath

I honestly don’t understand how what I wrote can come out as trolling or whining.

bahahahaha :-D



okay, serious comment.

i watched the seanbud stream and it is fucking awesome.

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