ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


nervousENERGY @ i46

Created 24th August 2012 @ 14:07

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mumble is up – lan.nervousenergy.co.uk default port

If you register you can create any channel in root
If you want a matchbot (90s delay so people can watch your STV) ask me, fruitbat, willow, humbug ryan or lifeless

Other TF2 servers are coming up as per http://www.nervousenergy.co.uk/i-series/i43-servers – there was an update last night and the servers are being slooooow to update though



They are the orange shirts


yes we are :D



Just want to say thanks for these guys they’ve been awesome so far and helpful. Not half hearing a call then waiting a second to hear it over comms is nice =D


Quoted from Henghast

Just want to say thanks for these guys they’ve been awesome so far and helpful. Not half hearing a call then waiting a second to hear it over comms is nice =D


Cheers guys, 100 time better than the skyride one

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