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Any tips for carrying PC to LAN?

Created 18th August 2012 @ 03:44

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RaWr ::

Quoted from Skyride

I feel like most of the people in this thread would have a heart attack if they saw the way I took my PC to LAN for the first 6 events I went to before I got a laptop as my main machine. :P

Large suitcase. Tower fits in like a glove with literally millimeters of space on 3 sides. Sleeping bag gets rolled up, then rolled across PC with the remaining roll going into the space at the top. Peripherals get put in the space left at the top. Monitor stand dissembled, the monitor goes face down on sleeping bag with mouse mat for extra protection. Clothes laid flat on top of monitor. Case closes with pretty much no room left. PC goes to and from 6 times on a 10hr train journey with 2/3 changes without incident.

prem @ packing PC’s.

Arx does this mate, so no I am not :)


(Cat Enthusiast)

Skyride, would putting down the monitor that way scratch the surface? I’m tempted to do that to save boot space but I’m afraid of damaging my monitor (it’s less than 3 months old!)



Quoted from Morphine

Skyride, would putting down the monitor that way scratch the surface? I’m tempted to do that to save boot space but I’m afraid of damaging my monitor (it’s less than 3 months old!)

Pad it with something. If you have a cloth mousemat that’s a good thing to lay over it. I have a sheet of some soft…thing, then usually put my mousemat on or bubble wrap. I usually pad it out with a hoodie or something then between wherever you’re laying it. As long as there’s not too much movement it’s probably fine.


Quoted from Skyride

I feel like most of the people in this thread would have a heart attack if they saw the way I took my PC to LAN for the first 6 events I went to before I got a laptop as my main machine. :P

Large suitcase. Tower fits in like a glove with literally millimeters of space on 3 sides. Sleeping bag gets rolled up, then rolled across PC with the remaining roll going into the space at the top. Peripherals get put in the space left at the top. Monitor stand dissembled, the monitor goes face down on sleeping bag with mouse mat for extra protection. Clothes laid flat on top of monitor. Case closes with pretty much no room left. PC goes to and from 6 times on a 10hr train journey with 2/3 changes without incident.

prem @ packing PC’s.

That actually seems quite practical and reasonable :P I just like keeping my PC separate from my other stuff for some reason.



Quoted from Morphine

Skyride, would putting down the monitor that way scratch the surface? I’m tempted to do that to save boot space but I’m afraid of damaging my monitor (it’s less than 3 months old!)

Nah. As I say, I had a sleeping bag AND a mouse mat covering it. As long as you put something over it it’ll be fine, computer equipment is a lot more resiliant than you’d think.

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