Looking for lan mates lol
Created 21st May 2012 @ 16:30
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Hey guys it is looking as though i will be attending this lan alone and so looking to throw myself out of my comfort zone and jump into tf2 social im looking to join in a team for lan sit on the same row have a few lafs and maybe play some tornys, mixes w.e.
got my ticket paid for and hotel so im a defo show.
many thanks
Quoted from konr
lafs and tornys
Maybe say if you have played any games competitively, your age, gender etc..
Quoted from dodgydogman
easy now just looking to “have a few lafs and maybe play some tornys”
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from octochris
easy now just looking to “have a few lafs and maybe play some tornys”
Aren’t we all..
Last edited by dodgydogman,
Hey man, as long as you aint some kind of weirdo, add yourself to the line with all the .:ne:. guys in, ermm, H3 row E I think it is, we’ll be your friends!
There’s 28 of us, so hopefully one of us will like you!
Last edited by Monkeh,
Sorry guys what a nonce I’m 22years old male from Chester really not a whiny kid and defo not a weirdo I’ve plaid in tf2 tornys at i44 i45 and online alot of tf2lobby I would class myself as a bit of a public hero I play a lot even plaid with tcm byte and Qun but saying that I’m no where near there level pref class is scout as I no all tactics for maps and character. Thanks for the invite to your row will probe move my seat round if you can confirm that’s where ya all sitting?
Last edited by Nocturnals,
Quoted from Nocturnals
Sorry guys what a nonce I’m 22years old male from Chester really not a whiny kid and defo not a weirdo I’ve plaid in tf2 tornys at i44 i45 and online alot of tf2lobby I would class myself as a bit of a public hero I play a lot with tcm byte and Qun but saying that I’m no where near there level pref class is scout as I no all tactics for maps and character. Thanks for the invite to your row will probe move my seat round if you can confirm that’s where ya all sitting?
You do? :o what’s your nick/alias?
Last edited by Nocturnals,
I bwt you will be able to pic the name to a face we have only met a few times at LAN on the pc world booths were a won :) got lucky and chatted a few times around the event.
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