Dear teams and players, thank you for participating in the ETF2L 6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024). We would appreciate if you could take your time to go through this little feedback form.


I46 - 24th - 27th August - The official HYPE And Questions Thread!

Created 8th May 2012 @ 11:27

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Quoted from Skyride

extv are 100% making a showing with a few coverage guys.

There is good reason to believe a US team will be coming too.

The only extv staff that would go are paying their own way. Our entire budget goes into server and technology stuffs. An american team will only be coming if the joined communities make a real effort to donate the cash. And the unfortunate truth is that, since LAN is during peak flight price time, it will be at least 1k per person for flight, plus around 200usd/person for hotel. So even before meal costs, travel from airports to LAN and lan ticket prices, we are talking 7,000 USD minimum, around 4500 pound.

I do think that we could raise this cash through community effort on both sides of the pond, plus expecting the team itself to raise some cash internally (it is after all a vacation :P), but it is all up to the players and viewers who want to see a great match between two teams with no lag. If everyone in the community lived without one night of drinking or out eating or something, they could make it happen with that money.

Tapley ❤


Well all they’d need is their flights paid for, everyone else has to pay for hotels/travel/food they can too :].

They can stay in tents, or the university halls for like £20 a night, buy food from the supermarket and i’m sure people could get them picked to and from the airport shouldnt be much hassle.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



If it is possible shadowpuppet it has to start happening NOW.

As Tapley said you can follow a budget, have some of the players pay their own way for food, maybe sleep in some budget room or in a tent for a weekend, multiplay supplying free tickets and any other need like equipment being sponsored (Tapley is a miracle worker!)

So if you can find a team that could go for the long weekend, yes start a donation drive and raise that £4500 or whatever is needed. I was given £100 which I decided was only right to set aside for TF2, there you go you’re 1/45th there. :P

But make it happen now, if you dwell on it, it will not happen. If an invite team (a top one like Mihaly’s Flow, Mix up or Bro, no offence to some of the others but isn’t worth it to fund the US equivalent of Decerto to i46) cannot commit to coming or even have a mix of 6 well-known top Invite players available to come than it won’t happen but don’t give up without trying.



+1 hildreth. If it’s not at i46, it’s never going to happen.

Only right that they do a tournament to decide the person who gets the cash. Im still far too sceptical really, I think people are hyping up something that is so unlikely to happen

Last edited by Chaplain,


I’m trying really hard not to hype this while still gauging community interest in a project like this. I would really like to make this a reality, but the truth is that the people I was told were looking into it have either been dragging their feet hardcore or have run into roadblocks that aren’t getting told to me. I will talk to extine and others and move forward myself with this effort to see if we can’t make some magic happen.

The team most likely to go is bro because they are an extv sponsored team, but we could also think about a mix or something since it might be hard to get 6 people to go on a iweek long international trip. I will keep this thread updated about progress in this matter, but keep in mind this all comes down to hiw well the community responds and how bad you guys want this

Ideas for fundraisers would be nice, since I don’t know how well the eu community responds to things like that. Would a showmatch be welcome? Maybe an unusual hat raffle or a entry fee tournament with donated prizes and all proceeds to the fund?



Anyone asked Valve yet? Or is that so hopeless?



I know its highly unlikely but what about writing out letters for sponsorship from an airline :P give Virgin a go. Its worth a try, if you hype it up enough you may get lucky. If you guys really want this to happen you are gonna have to widen your approach to getting sponsorship.



Cut off a lock of eXtine’s sideburns, eBay it, have enough spare to blow on sports cars.

Really though you could auction off some merchandise from Valve, hold a raffle for unusual hats, make some small sacrifices. Hell if Br0 are going as you mention is might be possible you could probably have Yz50 auction his famous beanie hat, I know enough fanboys from America who would buy it. :D

First thing to do would just be announce it everywhere, start a donation drive and see what you get. Contacting Valve might bring some sort of donation as well.

Props to you for trying shadowpuppet even if it doesn’t happen, least give it a go.

Tapley ❤


Realisitically its probably too late to start fundraising, but yeah all essentially we’d need to do is buy flight tickets and the rest is easy or cheap to come by. The idea of selling items from valve to raise money for it is great, and an idea we’ve had in the past but Valve are not really keen on doing that as if they let us sell an idea for X amount of money then they’d have to consider going it for a ton of other companys/reasons/lans etc etc.

That being said there are still things going on in the background. I49 is a long way away but whos not to say it’ll be bigger than i46 :] if things are planned well in advance with information given to the community nice and earlier things could happen. As i say watch this space we’ll keep you informed.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



I would chip in £20 and im sure a shed load of other people who dont browse the forums but attend the lan would be willing to chip in a similar amount and the figure your aiming for isnt that high if both eu and americans donate thats only 112 people from each side of the pond that need to donate to hit that figure.



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Realisitically its probably too late to start fundraising, but yeah all essentially we’d need to do is buy flight tickets and the rest is easy or cheap to come by. The idea of selling items from valve to raise money for it is great, and an idea we’ve had in the past but Valve are not really keen on doing that as if they let us sell an idea for X amount of money then they’d have to consider going it for a ton of other companys/reasons/lans etc etc.

That being said there are still things going on in the background. I49 is a long way away but whos not to say it’ll be bigger than i46 :] if things are planned well in advance with information given to the community nice and earlier things could happen. As i say watch this space we’ll keep you informed.

Problem with looking at i49 is there is nothing to actually keep teams like epsilon, infused, etc together after i46. With nothing for these teams to look forward to I highly doubt they will stay together long enough for i49, which means the sponsors drop from the game and we will be looking at having to fund-raise our own teams to i49 let alone american teams.


RaWr ::

Just on a side note and not meant to be negative.

Have you actually calculated how much each player can contribute themselves to this fund? I would personally expect this to be at least $500 each.

If this isn’t acheivable in the slightest, then I don’t think it will be possible.


I don’t think you’re accounting for the already existent funding issues for getting to ESEA LAN/s, Beta. They’re an expensive business even within the same country.


Quoted from kaidus


Problem with looking at i49 is there is nothing to actually keep teams like epsilon, infused, etc together after i46. With nothing for these teams to look forward to I highly doubt they will stay together long enough for i49, which means the sponsors drop from the game and we will be looking at having to fund-raise our own teams to i49 let alone american teams.

someone posted a sentiment I agree with. i46 is our best bet.

Quoted from beta

Just on a side note and not meant to be negative.

Have you actually calculated how much each player can contribute themselves to this fund? I would personally expect this to be at least $500 each.

If this isn’t acheivable in the slightest, then I don’t think it will be possible.

I agree, we have yet to choose a team but I will be contacting parties later this week to gauge the kind of interest they have and whether they are willing to put forward some money.

Quoted from atmo

I don’t think you’re accounting for the already existent funding issues for getting to ESEA LAN/s, Beta. They’re an expensive business even within the same country.

True, but the community has always provided. I do think that community excitement and involvement is running low though, so one big push for an amazing event like this, advertise, cast and post produce the living hell out of it and make it a huge deal for sponsors and we may be able to revitalize this game and have sponsors see new interest in it.

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