ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


I45 - 4th-7th of May - Official Automatic Mix Team Thread 6v6 + 9v9

Created 16th January 2012 @ 11:22

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Tapley ❤


Multiplay are trying to get people signed up as soon as possible so we can see how many people are wanting to attend each tourny so stage times can be finalized and what not. I’ll leave sign ups open as long as i can (probably Friday of the lan) , but at least get a team registered on clanforge/tournaments page even if its just yourself for the moment!



Tapley! Can you send a scout my way if theres one waiting for a team? Just need 1 player to finish off this team. I did put a post up in the other but I think this will end up being a last minute thing.

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