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nervousENERGY servers @ i43

Created 16th August 2011 @ 18:07

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Like i40, nervousENERGY will be bringing a co-lo box to host servers off. This yeah’s model is an i5 quadcore with SSD, so we have plenty of capacity :D

We’ll have our own match servers, but as far as the i43 TF2 community goes, we think Mole and Tapley will have you guys covered, so we’re going to concentrate on public servers.

First things first – mumble – we will again be hosting a mumble server for all to use. You’ll be able to create your own channel hierachy and set up whatever permissions you need (to keep randoms from invading you, for instance). Last year both teams in the final were on our mumble! We’re hoping to get a lot of use out of it this year as well.
(top tip, it’s useless in-game, but try having 2 people put mumble into exclusive mode on the “audio input” and “audio ouput” settings pages, and have a conversation… the lack of lag is freaky, you very literally can hear people via mumble faster than you can hear them through the air)

Also, we’ll be running the mumble mimicbots – these let you relay your comms to a different channel, 90 seconds delayed. This means people watching on STV can hear your comms in sync with the gameplay.

The mumble server address will be i43.nervousenergy.co.uk – at the moment that will take you to our normal server. (or lan.nervousenergy.co.uk – whatever’s easier to remember, either will work)

Comm server – We’re going to run a standard public server, 12v12, mostly AvD maps (but with a large list of nominatable maps -map requests welcome), hlstats, laser guns, sword-swinging demomen, the usual… and of course, friendly fire is on in between rounds :D
MGE server – Warm up for your matches, and get used to not being able to blame lag when you miss your jumps ;)

Apart from that, we’re still working stuff out. What do you guys think we should run? We’re thinking of prophunt as a good thing to run, because prophunt :D but any other ideas? Answers here, or in our forums.

Servers page is http://www.nervousenergy.co.uk/i-series/i43-servers – details subject to change if we come up with better ideas :D

Last edited by frymaster,



DM server would be nice



kk :)


Quoted from dr.Justice

DM server would be nice

now I’ve found where the hell the code for it is, that will be getting done :D


A DM server would be nice, for the people who don’t like MGE. I would even say that you probably need 2 MGE servers for the times that games are not being played. Personally, I’d love to see a jump server!


Thanks guys, if I was playing I would bum you



What about a pyro dodgeball server? :3


can you put a 3-4hour auto restart on your online mge servers?



our mge servers have gone through the shitter recently tbh.. we’re going to be restarting them once a day soon.

when they were restarted once a day we didnt have any complaints. ATM they are restarted as and when ‘we’ remember.


so they plugged our server into their network, we couldn’t log in, even theough the supplied IP was responding to ping.

We eventually got the box back to troubleshoot it, and we noticed the IP was still responding to ping even while the box was lying powered off on the desk…

…something’s obviously gone wrong ;) we are taking the box around again tomorrow morning, when hopefully the network will be sorted.


co-lo box is up!

we have mumble on i43.nervousenergy.co.uk set up, done and dusted

we have a public server at i43.nervousenergy.co.uk

we have a preliminary MGE config up on i43.nervousenergy.co.uk:27016 but the config may need tweaking

off for some food so comments please :D


MGE’s working now :D

i43.nervousenergy.co.uk default port(s) – community server and mumble server
i43.nervousenergy.co.uk:27016 and i43.nervousenergy.co.uk:27017 – MGE



nice work as usual, :)

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