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[epic6] - TF2 Tournament Cancelled

Created 26th June 2011 @ 13:20

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Quoted from Skyride

1) Tt Esports have just been shown first hand that the TF2 scene has no interest in supporting smaller events, so they are far less likely to even bother considering putting money into TF2 in the future.
2) Any other smaller LAN events who are up for doing a bit of homework, were also just shown that TF2 has interest in making a decent showing at their event if they were to host it themselves.

Disagree with 1) TF2 community was very up for it, just it isn’t big enough and we couldn’t get enough Division 5/6 teams interested probably because of the Vanilla ruleset and lack of wanting to be raped. Really it is these teams with no hope of winning money the top teams depend on and there isn’t enough respect from certain top players for lower players (or like my forum thread – http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-17356/page-4/?recent=315168#post-315168 – says we’re not doing enough for them to include them in the community).

Easy to just say ‘wow people aren’t showing enough interest’ but actually majority of teams are or would if they could play the event (play dates are set and some teams don’t play a certain day). For the UK community regarding epic.6 if the magical money fairy existed and gave every UK TF2 player £150 and then gave people time off work the weekend of epic6 – vast majority I reckon would have spent it on going to epic6, I know I would have.



Not directly funding infused, they’re assholes!


Quoted from Hildreth


Disagree with 1) TF2 community was very up for it, just it isn’t big enough and we couldn’t get enough Division 5/6 teams interested probably because of the Vanilla ruleset and lack of wanting to be raped. Really it is these teams with no hope of winning money the top teams depend on and there isn’t enough respect from certain top players for lower players (or like my forum thread – http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-17356/page-4/?recent=315168#post-315168 – says we’re not doing enough for them to include them in the community).

Easy to just say ‘wow people aren’t showing enough interest’ but actually majority of teams are or would if they could play the event (play dates are set and some teams don’t play a certain day). For the UK community regarding epic.6 if the magical money fairy existed and gave every UK TF2 player £150 and then gave people time off work the weekend of epic6 – vast majority I reckon would have spent it on going to epic6, I know I would have.

Shut it





Quoted from Hildreth


You shut your dirty mouth.

Tapley ❤


Quoted from Hildreth


Disagree with 1) TF2 community was very up for it, just it isn’t big enough and we couldn’t get enough Division 5/6 teams interested probably because of the Vanilla ruleset and lack of wanting to be raped. Really it is these teams with no hope of winning money the top teams depend on and there isn’t enough respect from certain top players for lower players (or like my forum thread – http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-17356/page-4/?recent=315168#post-315168 – says we’re not doing enough for them to include them in the community).

Easy to just say ‘wow people aren’t showing enough interest’ but actually majority of teams are or would if they could play the event (play dates are set and some teams don’t play a certain day). For the UK community regarding epic.6 if the magical money fairy existed and gave every UK TF2 player £150 and then gave people time off work the weekend of epic6 – vast majority I reckon would have spent it on going to epic6, I know I would have.

How can you say the tf2 community have been “very up for it” and yet it “wasn’t big enough”?
It would have been as big as we made it. Theres plenty of div5/6 teams that attend the i-series who have no chance of winning anything, which was also a vanilla tournament.

To my knowledge there have never *ever* been any prize funded tf2 lans in the uk except for those hosted by multiplay (i cant remember if pcgamer lan was with mpuk or not though). So epic lan valiently went where no one but multiplay had before, and made a great account for themselves to expand tf2 lan scene but just discovered that the uk lan scene is not competitve enough.

– There isn’t enough all english teams (people would rather lan with their own team)
– Isn’t enough Players that make the effort to organise things/teams in the UK
– Most players are students and £100 for a weekend is too much money 4/5 times a year, and probably don’t own their own transportation, I-series is seen as the “main lan” and all the money goes on that.
– Css etc have loads and loads of all english comp teams, many players probably live a good distance close to Uttoxeter (lots of mix teams) so its nice and easy for them, in the tf2 uk scene, alot more spread out and thinly.

People shouldn’t go around saying “YOU’VE LET TF2 DOWN, ITS DEAD!!”
Its not, since TF2 has been alive in the UK there has only been i-series (which is infact the biggest tf2 lan in europe) just because epic lan was not a success doesn’t mean tf2 is dead, its just the lan scene is not expanding, mainly due to the points above, you can’t force people to go to lan or tell them off for not going, its just a fun part of your hobby, if you can’t do it you won’t.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



Quoted from Tapley ❤

quoted for truth.

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