
TF2 LAN Admin Recruitment - Join the epic.TEAM

Created 9th August 2010 @ 22:39

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Hi Guys,

First of all, thank you to the forum admins for allowing me to post the advertisement here.

I’m the Event Manager for epic.LAN and we’ve been running casual LAN events for about 2 years as epic and previously you may remember some of us from the CentralanUK/CLUK series of events. So all in all we have around 7 years of experience running LANs both for casual and competitive gaming.

After spending some time rebuilding our events, we’ve decided to reintroduce competitive gaming to our LANs and as a large proportion of our community are already TF2 players, it seemed that the natural game of choice for our cash prize-winning launch tournament would be TF2.

Our first competitive event will be taking place in February 2011, so we have plenty of time to prepare and get everything absolutely right and we’ll have plenty more details about the event for you before that time. But the reason for posting here now is to advertise some vacancies to join our LAN admin team for the Team Fortress 2 tournament.

As I’ve already said, we want to do everything right from the outset, and one of the keys to that is ensuring that we have a knowledgeable and experienced admin team to not only run the tournament on the day, but to be a part of the design of that tournament from scratch. So this is where you guys come in!

We’re looking for a TF2 Lead Admin and at least 1 Game Admin, depending on the interest in the tournament there may be more positions. But we need someone who knows their stuff to be a part of the great team we already have at epic.LAN.

If this sounds interesting to you, or you would like further details, in the first place take a look at the news post about the positions on our site. Then feel free to contact us to apply or to ask more questions.

You can also find us in Quakenet IRC #epic.LAN

Thanks for taking the time to read and we look forward to speaking to some of you further.

Last edited by winbar,



sounds like a job for D2M
:D (safety)

Last edited by Waebi,


rockit like

Just incorporate your epicLANs with ETF2L. win/win.



ETF2L premiere division with LAN finals?

(i.e. season results being used to seed the teams)

Last edited by Skyride,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah official ETF2L would be a major boost :)



Yeah incorporate it with ETF2L so everything can be done on here :p, get tapley and mole on the admin team and youre sorted, providing £ can be sorted!


Do you mean to say.. TF2 isn’t dead?


Is it gonna be held in the uk ?



Quoted from randa

Is it gonna be held in the uk ?

No, its held on a boat in the middle of the pacific.

Tapley ❤


Hey Winbar – Add me on steam if you want to have a chat i currently admin the Tf2 Tournys with Mole for the multiplay i-series events.

I agree that if we can incorperate your lan events into ETF2l (That is if Racio etc has any interest in this) you’lll get alot more interest as this is the central hub for euro TF2 somthing which could benefit your own community/site as well as the tf2 community as a whole.

It may be hard to schedule your lan events around etf2l league seasons or vice versa in terms of a premiership playoff lan but i’ve got some good ideas such as a div1-2 prize tournament running along side say a div3-div6 tournament but with lesser cash or hardware prizes to gain the most interest from all skill sets.

Looking at your site it seems you’ve only a 200 player capacity – Realistically we could get about 20 teams if the prize pot was decent (makes it worth while euros flying over), thats 120 players at least , does the area have poetential to be able to increase in size if you want to expand?

Last edited by Tapley ❤,


Yeah will add you on Steam when I get home.

There is room to expand if things are successful in the current venue, but in sensible jumps! We’ve seen far too many initiatives fail because they’ve attempted a bajillion player LAN without the planning and experience, so we plan to start carefully and make sure we give the community something stable for the future.


Quoted from randa

Is it gonna be held in the uk ?

Yes, in the Midlands (between Birmingham and Manchester)


Definitely worth going for this if you’re interested. Great bunch of guys and very cool event.




Tapley ❤


Having spoken with Winbar its deffinately a very solid project, with loads of plus points for the TF2 community including a very decent prize pot amougst other things! watch this space peeps.

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