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[HUD] broeselhud // version 2.9

Created 25th July 2010 @ 20:56

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I like the hud. But lately i played a koth map and i was seeing two red counters, so i was missing the blue one. Very confusing. You might want to take a look at that.



Quoted from Waster

I like the hud. But lately i played a koth map and i was seeing two red counters, so i was missing the blue one. Very confusing. You might want to take a look at that.

I get this too.

Quoted from Waster

I like the hud. But lately i played a koth map and i was seeing two red counters, so i was missing the blue one. Very confusing. You might want to take a look at that.

hud_reloadscheme fixes this. But yes, is a tad annoying to do so often.
Another couple of things I have noticed is that sometimes you spawn with 200 health (as a soldier) but it is written in Red (which is what is meant to be when it is less than half of health).

One last thing I have noticed is that at my resolution (1920×1200) the spy disguise menus has a missing number 3. As in the numbers 1,2 and 3 (to choose which group of 3 you want to disguise as), 1 is correct, 2 is to far to the right and 3 is hidden.
I cant get a screenshot for you until the end of this week though as I am away from my tf2 pc.

Other than that, great HUD, I love it. :)



Quoted from CUBE

Another couple of things I have noticed is that sometimes you spawn with 200 health (as a soldier) but it is written in Red (which is what is meant to be when it is less than half of health).

I’ve got the same problem, but while playing scout.



I have all of these Problems too…


please donwload this hud 4×3



Quoted from ThePledge

Got one question about it though: is there any chance your hud could cause my “spectator-mode-option” to only show 5 players from each team, instead of 6? I’m using a 1280×1024 resolution, so I thought it might be that you made this hud for widescreen only

Quoted from broesel

When you have a screen with a 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio, go to
tf/resource/ui, DELETE SpectatorTournament.res and RENAME
SpectatorTournament_5x4 / SpectatorTournament_4x3 to SpectatorTournament.res

from the Readme…
Quoted from Waster

I like the hud. But lately i played a koth map and i was seeing two red counters, so i was missing the blue one. Very confusing. You might want to take a look at that.

thanks, fixed now

Quoted from CUBE

Another couple of things I have noticed is that sometimes you spawn with 200 health (as a soldier) but it is written in Red (which is what is meant to be when it is less than half of health).

I am aware of this, has been there since release and still no clue how to change this as you can’t execute certain animations at respawn, so you could always set it to white on respawn…
Quoted from CUBE

One last thing I have noticed is that at my resolution (1920×1200) the spy disguise menus has a missing number 3. As in the numbers 1,2 and 3 (to choose which group of 3 you want to disguise as), 1 is correct, 2 is to far to the right and 3 is hidden.

It’s not a problem with your resolution:


fixed it 24 days ago btw :P – but didn’t want to make a new release just because of this minor bugfix.

Quoted from Narik

please donwload this hud 4×3


Quoted from Macisum

I would like some hp changes, bigger warnings or something. Nice hud btw, used it for a while now :)

idk what you mean exactly with ‘bigger warnings’, give an example pls :>

I already added the low-hp notification that m0re used btw, it’s flashy and red and stuff



more feedback please!



Started using this yesterday, pretty epic hud.

Not much else i can say yet, if i notice anything that i think needs changing i’ll post. :)



Would it be possible to upload the new version with the bugfixes? :)



It could be better



Quoted from >

It could be better

good work stealing snowie’s avatar.



Quoted from octochris


good work stealing snowie’s avatar.

lies :D



Quoted from octochris

Would it be possible to upload the new version with the bugfixes? :)

I need to change the Readme, make new Screenshots etc.. – but it should be available today.

Quoted from >

It could be better


Do you really think that this helps me in any way?


Quoted from octochris


good work stealing snowie’s avatar.



really nice hud the only thing i would change is the ubercharge % in the spectator mode, it is difficult to read

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