stuck at "Sending client info", cp_gullywash only!
Created 4th May 2010 @ 21:44
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Since today I started having a weird issue that kept me from joining a server with cp_gullywash.
Everytime I join the game just hangs on “Sending client info” and eventually freezes.
This happens ONLY on gullywash, every other map works.
I have redownloaded many times, from different sites, same thing.
I also tried different servers.
I think that the issue might be that I receive too many packets, so the game can not proccess them all?
When I join from local server, I can see my netgraph for a brief moment, and the “in” column says “1060”.
Any clue?
Using Windows 7 32bit, if that helps.
Last edited by Dekken,
u using the m0re fps config?
if so try and remove it, worked for me
had the same problem
That solved the problem. or did it?
I actually need the m0re fps config, any workaround for that?
you could use the quantums fps config
quite a hassle to figure it out in the beginning but i really like it
Last edited by Piggeh,
i had that problem too, u can either make sure u are the first in the server (worked for me) or u can try an reinstall the fps cfg which fixed it for me
Last edited by flisko,
try cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0
diagnosis: you suck
Quoted from h0stage
try cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0
It works now :) Thanks!
But now I seem to have another problem.
I am using Q6600, and HD4890 @ stock speeds.
And I seem to have very low fps.
On middle at badlands, I can get down to 60. somtimes its even 40.
If I am using m0re fps, I am still dropping to 60 and such.
People with almost same machine as me, play on 100fps constantly.
I have no clue what is wrong. My cpu is fine, tested with Prime95 and such.
Video card is brand new, works also fine.
What could be the issue?
Reinstalled tons of times.
I have let windows reinstall few times, and few times I reinstalled myself.
Quoted from Flippy
Btw are you stuckin on the loading of cp_freight ?
nope, I had that problem with gullywash only.
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