Linux-native Steam?
Created 30th April 2010 @ 21:22
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Quoted from Skyride
PFM, dunno if you’ve checked but the new steam doesn’t work in wine. :(
I foolishly tried using the beta UI in wine. Everything went invisible. So invisible I couldn’t switch back to non-beta, so I just uninstalled it, and haven’t reinstalled it yet.
Quoted from Skyride
PFM, dunno if you’ve checked but the new steam doesn’t work in wine. :(
Works pretty flawlessly on Wine 1.1.42. Sometimes login menu stays after authentication and library is a little laggy but otherwise it works.
Also got TF2 working, some fonts are missing (but they are replaced with some others) but FPS isn’t so good than in Windows.
It’s usually somewhere in 45-85 (fps_max 85) and I’m using m0re’s highfps config with dxlevel 81. D:
Last edited by Jarppa,
TF2 works for me, and it also got a fake overlay. (new steam messages get drawn over tf2, still have to alt-tab to write back, though)
The main issue for me is that the latest version of mumble for linux is 1.1.8, so I can’t use my mumble server. :S
Quoted from dotfloat™
The main issue for me is that the latest version of mumble for linux is 1.1.8, so I can’t use my mumble server. :S
i thought there were some static builds? if not, compile? :P
Quoted from Waebi
i thought there were some static builds? if not, compile? :P
The ubuntu repo’s have 1.1.8 yes, however the 10.04 repo’s (as I found to my massive relief) DO have 1.2. :)
PFM: Its near uselessly slow but the latest version of Wine does work fine with the new steam. Just make sure you’re using Windows 2008 as the emulated OS.
Although as I say, its dogs dinner slow and I’m just not going to bother.
Quoted from Waebi
i thought there were some static builds? if not, compile? :P
Latest package is mumble 1.1.8. (on debian lenny)
They don’t compile for me.. :S
First some qt4 language pack fail (fixed) and then some unknown problem (it just suddenly says Error, probably because of the high amount of warnings).
Still, the name of the folder is mumble11x, which I guess means Mumble 1.1.x
Last edited by dotfloat™,
Someone got that steam linux client working, more info at their forums:
edit: lolwut, either phoronix changed something or i linked the wrong entry
Last edited by Jarppa,
Try just downloading the actual .deb’s from there. I know it ain’t lenny, but they are close enough and should work fine as long as you have all the qt4 stuff installed.
Quoted from Jarppa
Someone got that steam linux client working, more info at their forums:
It’s the old l4d demo binaries, nothing special.
The file browser’ address bar reads “/home/michael/.cxgames/winxp/drive_c/Program Files/Steam”, indicating that he has an installed version of Steam using crossover games. And in Nov 2008 the mac version of steam wasn’t even announced.
Thanks, skyride, I’ll try that later, cba rebooting to linux atm.
Last edited by dotfloat™,
Quoted from dotfloat™
It’s the old l4d demo binaries, nothing special.
The new binaries are on page 1, check my post.
Quoted from Abunai
“Valve Corporation has today rolled out their Steam Mac OS X client to the general public and confirmed something we have been reporting for two years”
And yet, they don’t show any proof of what they’re saying. This article is bullshit, the Mac OS X client hasn’t been released yet (it’s planned for later today), and Valve has never confirmed officially any release on Linux yet, otherwise you would see it on Steam or Valve News.
There was even a Valve developer who said there was no Linux support planned for TF2 in the near future (that was posted on SPUF IIRC).
Last edited by AnAkkk,
Valve has also confirmed that it will make Steam available to Linux users in the coming months.
via Telegraph, as said in Phoronix’s article
Steam for Mac is now available:
Excuse me for rising this topic from dead. Please join this group
Steam for Linux
Last edited by LETIshNick,
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