Where can I get the files of DM plugin ?
Created 22nd April 2010 @ 19:17
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Well the topic says pretty much everything. I would like to have the files (the one which regenarte the health) to upload to my server, if it would be possible.
Thanks in advanced. :D
I’m quite sure the tf2dm thread has the links, cba digging it up atm
Does it regenerate health ? Cause in PingTimeout server it didnt. And that files are the PingTimeout one.
I assume health regeneration is set on and off by a cvar created by the plugin but I have no way of checking myself. Just test and see, I guess.
It comes with health regen, and a few default maps set up, you can add more maps to the cfg if you want, add me on steam or w/e if you want help setting it up
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