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Competitive Script suggestion

Created 12th April 2010 @ 18:07

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I have been trying out some competitive cfgs, but they seem to not allow me to keep the crosshair I want. I think the ones I tried were flames, and noids. Is there one, which allows me to keep the crosshair I want? Because noid’s kept sending me back to crosshair 7.



I think it has to do with the sv_pure cvar value of the server you’re playing on. I believe (not 100% sure) that with the cvar set to 2 you won’t have custom crosshairs outside of the ones that are in the game already.

(If I’m wrong someone please correct me :P )



Quoted from herpderp

I think it has to do with the sv_pure cvar value of the server you’re playing on. I believe (not 100% sure) that with the cvar set to 2 you won’t have custom crosshairs outside of the ones that are in the game already.

(If I’m wrong someone please correct me :P )

Yuppers sv_pure will stop all custom stuff



Pretty sure that both of those configs you mentioned have a crosshairs.cfg that you can edit to use the crosshairs you want.


otherwwise what would you suggest?


Quoted from focuz

otherwwise what would you suggest?

the one that techtron suggested to me – all weapons are r_drawviewmodel 0,
and using crosshair5 with colors changes to ur liking = win.


Quoted from sc0pe


the one that techtron suggested to me – all weapons are r_drawviewmodel 0,
and using crosshair5 with colors changes to ur liking = win.

I meant which competitive cfg would you’ll suggest. :)


anything other than the crosshairs valve gives you will be blocked by any server worth playing on.

atteans comp config is perfect if you know how to customise it to how you want it.


take your pick

Last edited by franco,

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