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[FB] vs eMg ... NA vs Eu - it's here!

Created 10th April 2010 @ 22:24

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Quoted from Enef

Yeah, more EU soldiers would go super aggro and rocket surf all over if they were allowed Gunboats, they are banned though (for good reason like) so it’s unlikely you’ll see one soldier constantly suicidal on the medic like enoryt and Mackay were.

The reason for banning needs re-thinking

They were banned because you couldn’t ‘Farm’ them (unlock through achievments) which was the right decision at the time.

However so much time has passed, most if not all players have at least 1 pair of gunboats from the drop system.

The words Banned unless both team agree is the same as writing banned.

I think it’s time to think about allowing the gunboats (please remember before flaming, that if the soldier uses gunboats he has no shot gun)

Last edited by Tikcus,



Quoted from Tikcus


The reason for banning needs re-thinking

However so much time has passed, most if not all players have at least 1 pair of gunboats from the drop system.

The reason why it’s banned is not because nobody has the gunboats, it’s because there is no achievement that gives the gunboats as an award. Therefor the gunboats is just a lucky drop, in theory this could mean you can play for 100 years without ever receiving the gunboats.

I personally wouldn’t mind if the gunboats were unbanned.


Quoted from sc0pe

I’m Israeli with bad internet and I’m playing on NiCeY.
I never get lower pings than 130. and I’m rocking.

you’re like our demo too but rocking



Quoted from Exfane


Therefor the gunboats is just a lucky drop, in theory this could mean you can play for 100 years without ever receiving the gunboats.

It is possible to craft them. I feel that the gunboots will bring a little strategic change to the scene. You will see different soldier-rollouts and more aggro flanking probably. So I dont think it’s a bad idea either. You will see more flick jumps too, so the gameplay could speed up a bit too. I would suggest a limit 1.


Yeah i vote to allow them aswell, not that they are OP or something. Most of the Soldiers have them now also.


Unfortunately “most” is not quite the same as “all” however you can craft them now which means all players should have the ability to make gunboats.

The rule on gunboats i’m sure will get discussed between the ETF2L admins…




Quoted from Exfane


I personally wouldn’t mind if the gunboats were unbanned.

Why quote my post, and delete some content, just to repost the content yourself?

Last edited by Tikcus,

captain bubblebeard

Quoted from Andee


It is possible to craft them. I feel that the gunboots will bring a little strategic change to the scene. You will see different soldier-rollouts and more aggro flanking probably. So I dont think it’s a bad idea either. You will see more flick jumps too, so the gameplay could speed up a bit too. I would suggest a limit 1.

Not needed, I doubt teams would want to run a pocket without a shotgun.

And if they did, it’s probably more of a disadvantage.



I can see loads of advantages. And off course I didnt mean the pocket running them boots.

– roaming dedicated to enemy medic (buff and go)
– fast rollout on mid runs
– high points, like granary crates/spire badlands/freight crates/fastlane tower mid etc are being camped more (its more likely to jump off and jump on again, making airshots more frequent)
– flick jumps making the gameplay faster

Last edited by Andee,



I wouldn’t sacrifice 6×60+ damage. My hitscan aim is pretty decent so I doubt I’ll use the gunboots even as roaming. I’d rather just 2 shot scouts instead of jumping on medics with a little bit more hp left.



I’ve played with them on pubs for ages now, they are really good fun and offer a great alternative for aggressive soldiers.

With the changes in the drop system it means people should easily get enough items to craft a pair in the next month or so.

Last edited by toasty.,



‘Sticky jumping with ease’ at 150 ping, 2 shotting scouts with your shotgun… is there anything you CAN’T do, Koeitje?



Quoted from Fisshu

‘Sticky jumping with ease’ at 150 ping, 2 shotting scouts with your shotgun… is there anything you CAN’T do, Koeitje?

Find teammates worthy of his presence, there are none.

l l l

only 1 soldier wore gunboats and he didn’t do it the entire match


Yeah but look guys, you’ve just proven that the match was a good thing because look at you guys in the community now, your discussing and debating all over the gunboats which would have never of been mentioned if the americans didn’t use it…

That’s why i was grateful to both teams for playing this, not because of any ego win ballz…Just interesting to see how other strats play out…

Now some of you want to lick the gunboats clean and use them for life all because of 1 match lol.

So it’s good to see :D

btw LOL @ what Arie said LOL :D <3



Last edited by byte,

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