Mid-spec config
Created 10th April 2010 @ 18:58
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Basically I need a config to lower settings to around middle instead of high for maps such as obscure..
i.e. keeping blood, models on death etc.. although lowering textures and just general settings so theyre not THAT bad… but not good.
Are there any decent ones that are worthy as I really cba to create one myself..
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by shifty,
Or maybe the maker of Obscure shoulda made the map better. :(
Quoted from Daniel
Or maybe the maker of Obscure shoulda made the map better. :(
Quoted from eoN^
Byte isn’t the maker of obscure, I forget who makes obscure but they should work on optimising the map a bit.
Quoted from octochris
Er, if you’re wanting a mid-level config why not just lower the settings to medium?
Probably because doing that does fuck all to your fps most of the time? I get the exact same fps all low on dx8 as I do with all maxed apart from aa@4x on dx9, and the only way to increase it is with a fps config. I recommend you just take m0res, add a few commands at the end of it to increase the graphics quality and voila, you’re done. Some commands would be mat_reducefillrate “0”, mat_picmip -1, r_rootlot 0, r_lod 0, r_worldlights 4, mat_bumpmap 1, r_lightaverage 1, mat_antialias 1-8, mat_forceaniso 1-16. That should make it not look terrible. Oh, and that works on both dx8 and 9 without the white shine.
Last edited by Rake,
Quoted from Rake
Probably because doing that does fuck all to your fps most of the time?
And you’re suggesting that a hypothetical “mid-spec config” would? You have to go one way or the other to put a dent in FPS.
This is my least bad-looking FPS config I have on my site, give it a whirl if you like (although it does remove blood/ragdolls and some other things).
Screenshots are here:
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