UK Dakka Instagib Server Live Beta... (Still Broken, fall dmg.)
Created 8th April 2010 @ 22:52
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Can someone explain instagib to me? What im thinking is basically a direct hit is an instant kill? Or is it something different?
Quoted from RareSpycrab
Can someone explain instagib to me? What im thinking is basically a direct hit is an instant kill? Or is it something different?
yp ur right, with ur guess.
Last edited by Stimpy,
Quoted from RareSpycrab
Can someone explain instagib to me? What im thinking is basically a direct hit is an instant kill? Or is it something different?
Team deathmatch. Scouts only with railguns and “rocket” jumps.
If you spawn, switch class to sniper and press your bind for slot 2/3, you can get instagib jarata/SMG/melee.
Quoted from fawwles
If you spawn, switch class to sniper and press your bind for slot 2/3, you can get instagib jarata/SMG/melee.
Old mate, just figgured that ;)
Last edited by Stimpy,
Quoted from lork
I want to see that in 1080p, smoothed and 1000 fps because that was some LSD material.
Awesome mod. Kept me entertained for a good while :)
Quoted from fawwles
I went through some of the ctf maps that I had in my maps folder and found some ones I think would play well on instagib:
All uploading now!
Quoted from ExcessiveEvil
All uploading now!
Also uploaded to the mapcycle and server. also fastdownloads thanks to EX.
We have a fix working on our test server for the 50hp shots, and fall dmg fixed. However there is still a bug with the fall dmg which need fixing, the current problem being u can fall off the map and not die ;) e.g CTF facing… Hopefully will be fixed in the next day or so.
p.s once fixed and tested maybe an instagib cup is needed for all the fans. ;)
Last edited by Stimpy,
Add rtv please, boring playing on MASSIVE maps at 3am when theres only 2 of us on :X
Quoted from eoN^
Add rtv please, boring playing on MASSIVE maps at 3am when theres only 2 of us on :X
lol @ 3am on a sunday u should be in bed ready for the week, but will looking into it. hopefully more successful than ur 2v2 soli only bball.
Quoted from Stimpy
lol @ 3am on a sunday u should be in bed ready for the week, but will looking into it. hopefully more successful than ur 2v2 soli only bball.
xD dude ive been up since like 11am yesterday. So much coffeee….. and red bull : o.
I dont think i even have kidneys anymore.
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