Killcams in TF2
Created 8th April 2010 @ 16:11
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I really wish there was killcams in tf, that would just be so cool.
You know, like the killcams in COD MW2.
Lets say someone do a really nice kill on ya, like a double airshot or somethin’,
and you just watch what he did after your dead.
Anyone else thnik this sounds good? :D
I would prefer to spec what my team are doing instead of lengthening some other guys e-penises by watching it.
stupid idea
and horrible in competitive
its bad enough they see where you were hiding with the snapshot ._.
inb4 cod sux
Killcam was a good idea, but the picture of your killer is fine and possibly more useful, able to locate your killer/team mates more easily, and also Quoted from David
I would prefer to spec what my team are doing instead of lengthening some other guys e-penises by watching it.
+1 ^
The kill cams are a great idea in Call Of Duty because they new allow people to learn from all their deaths (where people are hiding specifically), in TF2 most of the combat is very blatant and out in the open so it doesn’t help a great deal, it would be fun though sometimes.
i wouldnt mind watching the first person of the guy who killed me, say 5 seconds prior to my death
There is a reason killcam is disabled in promod.
Ever since I saw this in mw2 I always wanted it to be a new feature for TF2, Like when you press F5 for a screenshot, maybe you could press F6 to see a the killcam :p
Yea, was thinking about pub the most, since you can maybe see too much usefull things through the cam, stickytraps etc.
But lets say some1 does a double on ya, would have been nice to watch tho, even if it’s comp.
After a death, I’m normally too busy trying to call who killed me, if they are low, what else is going on that might help my team etc,,, to care what happened. Insane kills can be appreciated in movies, not during a match.
It breaks the flow of whats going on too much, same as if you go alt+tab any speak to someone, you lose track of whats happening and what you should do as soon as you spawn.
Quoted from Skyride
.same as if you go alt+tab any speak to someone, you lose track of whats happening and what you should do as soon as you spawn.
who the hell alt+tabs in a middle of a game? ;p
Quoted from Skyride
After a death, I’m normally too busy trying to call who killed me, if they are low, what else is going on that might help my team etc,,, to care what happened. Insane kills can be appreciated in movies, not during a match.
It breaks the flow of whats going on too much, same as if you go alt+tab any speak to someone, you lose track of whats happening and what you should do as soon as you spawn.
Yeah distractions should be eliminated if you want to play tf2. Thats why I always make sure to take the phone off the hook, put my mobile on silent, remove the doorbells battery, feed my horse, dump my girlfriend and anaesthetise my dogs before turning on my computer.
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