TPlay boX? MidAir Pro Duel Server [New IP]
Created 8th April 2010 @ 13:48
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please fix the points thingy. i just won 3 matches and then went spec and lost 13 points. maybe remove the whole rating thing?
Quoted from murje
maybe remove the whole rating thing?
This, the only thing the rating system encourages is dirty play (shooting down on people who are just jumping up, corner camping, doing tiny little jumps that barely get you on the point).
I understand why you’d want a ladder system to encourage competitive play but at the moment it seems to have the opposite effect.
Quoted from compton
For matches it’s manageable as TF2 isn’t all about airshots, but put a 15-25 ping vs. 65-75 ping player against each other on midair mod and the game is usually over before it even starts.
Most people dont get anywhere near that ping 60 is fine
Quoted from herpderp
the only thing the rating system encourages is dirty play (shooting down on people who are just jumping up, corner camping, doing tiny little jumps that barely get you on the point).
^ this
Last edited by broesel,
Is there a way to implement a midair-arena for demoman vs soldier? Not only there a plenty moments when there is only one demoman on but half a dozen soldiers, but it would be interesting to see midairduels soldier vs demoman too imho. :)
I would do anything for endif :<
Would be great to have regular mid air mod again, regular ammo-mod seems a bit pointless as you can just spam, if possible ! Really great server anyway!
Last edited by Dav1dd,
Quoted from Dav1dd
Would be great to have regular mid air mod again, regular ammo-mod seems a bit pointless as you can just spam, if possible ! Really great server anyway!
regular midair is shit, bring back badlands mid i say! and endif :D
At least am_variety_test3 includes endif. You can get it here:
And you can test in on AG’s ammomod server:
Change the map to am_variety_test3 and remove stats/points!
The endif part of this map is run using noid’s ammomod server. This is different to the plugin that is available to the plugin. Only if noid released his plugin would be be able to include endif on the server. Using just the map will make it pretty much an empty room, like one of the arenas
server down? :(
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