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Becoming more reliable?

Created 6th April 2010 @ 20:26

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Quoted from octochris


I don’t understand at all then, you’re saying it made your scout much better and your demo much worse… how can it still make your demo much worse when you have viewmodels turned on for the demo?

Or it made his demo much worse, that’s WHY he turned them on.



No no, the demo turned the scout on.

Last edited by Nmx,



Quoted from BERSERKER

Or it made his demo much worse, that’s WHY he turned them on.

Yes, but if he’s saying that, why should whether he has viewmodels turned on when he’s playing scout apply at all to when he’s playing demo since he can have class specific settings?

This conversation is fucking confusing.



Quoted from octochris


Yes, but if he’s saying that, why should whether he has viewmodels turned on when he’s playing scout apply at all to when he’s playing demo since he can have class specific settings?

This conversation is fucking confusing.

Since other people can’t read his cfg, so he has to tell them. If he hadn’t said it in his posts, you wouldn’t know, yes?



Quoted from minimoose

– Learn to play at a lower sensitivity
– Use an aimbot

Quoted from flushy

have a glass of water or squash beside your desk so whenever your thirsty u have something to drink… stay hydrated!!!!!!!!1

Quoted from kaidus

Turn viewmodels off.

These suggestions are all helpful. As long as you find it comfortable to move your arm over your desk to do a 180° turn, go on lowering your sens.


60cm/360º ftw
viewmodel off
DMatch servers
Watch demos

Last edited by longas,


DM is good, but it makes you over-agressive, take care !


public servers with instarespawn are the best training



Quoted from ambra

public servers with instarespawn are the best training

Only if it’s a 24/7 instarespawn 2fort server.



There’s nothing wrong with a high sens. If you do have one, just play on public servers to keep your aim steady. And don’t change your sens. Keep playing with the sens you have. It’s no use changing it on a higher one.




I agree with Trax. High sens is ok, when you like to play more twitchy. A good tip would be: put your mouse sens in your class.cfg together with the pitch, etc. That way you always have the same sensitivity.

Last edited by Andee,


Quoted from Traxantic

There’s nothing wrong with a high sens. If you do have one, just play on public servers to keep your aim steady. And don’t change your sens. Keep playing with the sens you have. It’s no use changing it on a higher one.


It’s only because you loving twitching your shots. :/



I recently moved my sensitivity up from 48cm/360 to 26cm. Its helped me alot when im playing at my best imo, but it has definitely made me less consistent. :[


@chris: omfg you need to l2read

OTT: it’s mostly about concentrating on your shots and the game itself. I find myself being absolutely fucking horrid when I play tired and my head is somewhere else.

Just stick to training scout on dm etc, and learn to take time with your shots and learn the timing. Try to be confident that when you shoot, you know that you are going to hit :)


RaWr ::

Consistency has several factors. The one that I find the most influential (apart from keeping the same settings) is confidence.

This is especially bad against players you know are very good. You know they are going to hit their shots and if you miss one you will probably die. The second you miss a couple, your confidence goes right down and you expect that you are going to lose… and you do.

Other games you will 2 hit the first scout in the first round of the first map and for the rest of the map you’re on fire. Your confidence is high which means you KNOW you are going to hit a shot before you’ve even fired. Of course that can change mid-game but at least for the start you will stay confident.

Another example is sniping. For a long period when I started TF2, I would consider myself an excellent sniper. I was calling players dead on comms before i’d even fired. Only occasionally i’d have to correct my call. After a while, my aim started to get worse, or other players were getting better, and I lost the confidence to hit those crucial headshots. I’d hit thousands of body shots or just simply miss my target. Some games however I still get a number of headshots in a row and for the rest of the game i’m totally on fire.

Now that’s my explanation, what’s the solution?

Well I was explaining to some American team I was mentoring that the pre-game warmup is one of the most influential parts of a match. Most of the top players are confident enough that they just mess around, and other players just have fun while warming up, waiting for the enemy team to get in the server etc…

The thing is, this time can also be used to assess the enemy team. I’ve played against a number of low division teams who I totally didn’t rate only to find in the warmup, when I had my try-face on, one of their scouts or their demoman would be exceptionally good… much better than i’d expected. I’d start off the first round being cautious of that player which would make me change my usual game plan. I’d almost certainly perform worse.

It works both ways, against good teams, i’d fly around with a full try-face on, killing all these top named players (who were just messing around) and it would build my confidence up. Even if they are better players than me, I was still getting nice shots on them (maybe they weren’t dodging properly? etc..). When it came to the match, i’d charge at them full of confidence and i’d perform a lot better than I would if I played my game according to their reputation.

Put your try-face on in prematch. Try to keep your confidence up. Credit your opponent (even in your head) if they got a good kill on you… “it wasn’t my fault! He just got an absolutely amazing frag on me!, i’ll get him this time though!”. When you are weak, focus on getting the equalising shot on them, then go for the kill… “He meatshot me, I’m going to need a 90 damage shot here, then i’ll hit him with a baby hit”. When he is weak and you are full, remind yourself you only need to scratch him… but go for the full blown face shot that’s going to do another 100 damage.

Sorry it turned out longer than expected, but I’m bored at work :P

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