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Becoming more reliable?

Created 6th April 2010 @ 20:26

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Quoted from kaidus

Turn viewmodels off. Some people (like me) tend to aim with the barrel rather than the crosshair, and you notice a masive difference straight away with viewmodels off. I personally switched back because even though it made my scout 1000* times better, it made my demo pretty meh.

Hm, absolutely the same for me.

Also I have this thing where my mousepad feels different all the time. Sometimes it’s really smooth and glides nicely without much push from me, other times it feels really rough and I have to conciously move the mouse further than my muscles want to to get what I’m desiring. Maybe this has nothing to do with you, maybe not.

Have you ever tried cleaning your mousepad? :D

Last edited by ups,


Best thing to do is just have your main gun hidden and your secondary shown. But then again if you play soli viewmodels with a high viewmodel_fov seem to feel best for me. I play really sluggish if my gun isnt super long. :D


Quoted from randa


Are you a full on retard or what ?

;) Nice

Personally I play with a high sens, just stating how the margins for error suggest that low sens is better if your aim is inconsistent, obviously you don’t understand.

Last edited by minimoose,

Quoted from eoN^

…I play really sluggish if my gun isnt super long. :D

That’s what he said!

Anyway, lowsense, no viewmodel as scout plays well. It keeps me from flickshotting and actually (fail)aiming.

Quoted from ups

[Update] Low sens users, don’t you get bullied for having a humongous right arm? People don’t know you’re gamers, they might think the hand grew after doing some other activities!

How heavy is your mouse?



Quoted from ups

Hm, absolutely the same for me.

Have you ever tried cleaning your mousepad? :D

Yes I have : p.



dont play on sh*t servers

General Knall

You mentioned that u have been playing ALL the classes in TF2 recently. Stick with 1 class. All the time. Essential to be good. Orelse u`d just get pretty good with them all, instead of great with one.



Stick with scout, dont fiddle with your settings too much, and you’ll be dandy.



Quoted from kaidus

I personally switched back because even though it made my scout 1000* times better, it made my demo pretty meh.

in scout.cfg:

r_drawviewmodel 0

in demoman.cfg

r_drawviewmodel 1

Something I’m missing here?



Only experience can give you results. Stick to your natural sens, unless you feel like you really need a change. And if you feel so be prepared to go through every stage of gaining experience again (only aim related, gamesense sticks)



I always play at a top standard.



Quoted from octochris



The fact that that’s exactly what I did?



Quoted from fawwles


play ammomod until your wrist aches

ohh.. I dont have to do ammomod for that, I just watch p0rn.



Quoted from kaidus


The fact that that’s exactly what I did?

I don’t understand at all then, you’re saying it made your scout much better and your demo much worse… how can it still make your demo much worse when you have viewmodels turned on for the demo?

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