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A retarded community a cautionary tale.

Created 11th March 2010 @ 15:40

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Me and a mate were on a community 32 player 2fort server when messing about. Me playing sniper, when I got a friends request from one of the admins. I thought nothing of it he said he new I wasn’t cheating but wanted to know why I was so good. Well after 45 mins I’d got about 125 kills I said it was a combination of skill and I mentioned I had a hi-fps config on.

BAD move, he went quiet for abit then he said well your going to have to take it off or we ban you. I said I couldn’t its an auto exec and file and its over-riding everything else. Next thing I know I’ve been kicked. A couple of days later I’m on there sniping when I’m kicked and banned. When my friend who was also on there asks why hes told I’m using “exploits”. My mate tried to explain to him that infact that it wasn’t an exploit it made the game run smoother it just made the guy more confused then it was game over cos he swore on coms and got banned aswell.

Its sad to see that the gulf between pub and competative is so wide that configs are now seen as cheats. Now anyone who knows me plays with or against me etc knows I play medic usually so you can imagin the quality of the guys on there if I had 125 kills and about 30 deaths as sniper. I don’t like doing pickups I find them retarded and I’m not good enough as a sniper to play competative so I play on pubs occationally. Its funny that I’ve been banned for something that everyone has the capability to have.



Maybe tell this to the admin instead of posting it here.



What is this I don’t even


Don’t quote me on this but I think there are other public servers around…





I don’t really get your problem…
so, you were banned from a random server, there a sooo many other 32 2Forts in this world, just play on them.
As in every game there are a lot of stupid admins who ban for no reason, this is just sth to laugh and go on with ur live

p.s. i was once recruited by a cs clan(like 8 yrs ago), played on their public server and was banned for cheating by an admin (he,of course, did not know i just joined the clan)



Quoted from Bash

Don’t quote me on this but I think there are other public servers around…

links? :P



breaking news, admins are sometimes dumb





\V/ Gold



Good Lord.

Stop posting irrelevant useless threads please.

Seriously what is wrong with you people?



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