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"The Pressurizer" Airshot Mod?

Created 2nd March 2010 @ 20:44

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Last time I played ammomod, I only won because I always hit about 4/5 airshots. I bet that old airshot mod could help with just airshots, but you’d have to be a horrible player not to get your opponent in the air on ammomod…
Maybe you should try other airshot maps, if that’s the case. :)

Last edited by tteh-t,



Quoted from Enef

Or maybe we’d like to focus on a different aspect of the game, rather than just the spam?

But you can see from the tone of the OP that he somehow thinks that ammomod is inferior because you can “just” spam. As if spam training is somehow less valuable.

I agree on the point that quick repetition is key to learning airshots, but you get roughly the same amount of airshotting chances on both mods. It’s just that between the times that your opponent is in the air you can ALSO train your spamming.

Last edited by compton,



TBH, unless you are playing with a friend both are pretty useless because randoms tend to refuse to play normally, using tactics that are sure to win for them (crouching on Midairmod etc).

It’s a shame that midairmod won’t be updated, it helped improve my airshot reactions, used to enjoy playing pre-game to warm up and late night to wind down with some of the BoX? guys.

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