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24/02/10 TF2 Update

Created 24th February 2010 @ 02:06

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I say modify the rocket launcher hit boxes to match the grenades – may as well balance the field for everyone eh?

Lets see how many airshots you can score then.



Quoted from jason

I say modify the rocket launcher hit boxes to match the grenades – may as well balance the field for everyone eh?

Lets see how many airshots you can score then.

Jason are you single? I think I’m in love.


To be honest how can using a weapon in a game (that is allowed) be lame? And couldnt i just say using the scattergun is lame, its to overpowered and everyone should always use pistol. BUT WAIT so is the pistol every scout should have to reroll to spy… 1 hit kill NO WAY okay to sniper… nope still classes as lame, to engy? Nope classed as no skill, to heavy? Thats probably the one class (and medic) who no one calls lame just because its so shit in so many situations…


This has been discussed a lot of times. And the strength of the demo and the ability to slow down a team with an uber/player advantage makes the game interesting and unpredictable. If you dont like that, go play quake live.


Quoted from ambra

I’m hardly ever wrong, thats why I don’t expect others to argue with me

That’s a lot of unneeded self-confidence.


Quoted from ups


Quoted from ups


oh, please…

Last edited by ambra,



Quoted from ambra



oh, please…



Quoted from Fragga

Hey Byte I made a script for you:

+camp “wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; +attack2”

-camp “-attack2; say LAWL STICKIES”

bind mouse2 “+camp”

Sounds like you’re lacking in intelligence and anticipation Fagga.



hey faggra, just picked that from your cfg:

bind “a” “+moveleft; +attack”
bind “b” “+attack; say BKYCHO KAK HOBbIu OP6uT PAKETA; ”
bind “d” “+moveright; +attack”
bind “h” “+attack; say OMG LOL PWNED; ”
bind “i” “+attack; taunt”
bind “s” “+back; +attack”
bind “w” “+forward; +attack”


Quoted from Extremer


You should try dodging these shiny pill shaped objects dear duncan sir

dunc sees little blue pills scattered around and he gets a little randy in the pantaloons thinking the time has come for him to unleash all that racially charged inner rage on to some white pussy

Last edited by tf2chef,


Quoted from tf2chef


dunc sees little blue pills scattered around and he gets a little randy in the pantaloons thinking the time has come for him to unleash all that racially charged inner rage on to some white pussy

u just said the biggest bullshit a stupid person could ever release

Last edited by alfa,


Quoted from ambra



oh, please…

I don’t mind that you separate the words from my sentence. Is it easier to read it that way?

Yes, I consider it unneeded. And yet, I might be wrong – I realise this, and I understand I might reconsider eventually. This is how discussion works you know.

And when some ignorant player considers that his opinion on some debatable subject is the only correct-one, posts like
Quoted from ambra

and please nobody comes out and state that I’m wrong, because I’m not

Quoted from ambra

I’m hardly ever wrong, thats why I don’t expect others to argue with me

are written.

fAiry, zashibis’ script :)


Then again, you imply that what I state might be wrong, which is simply not true.
I understand why you would disagree: rather than providing more arguments to my topic I’m simply advicing you to stop trying to retire my statements, because it will be useless.



Quoted from ambra

Then again, you imply that what I state might be wrong, which is simply not true.
I understand why you would disagree: rather than providing more arguments to my topic I’m simply advicing you to stop trying to retire my statements, because it will be useless.

resistance is futile


Quoted from ambra

Then again, you imply that what I state might be wrong, which is simply not true.

And again you go with your “absolute truth” statements :)

Quoted from ambra

I understand why you would disagree: rather than providing more arguments to my topic I’m simply advicing you to stop trying to retire my statements, because it will be useless.

I did not disagree in any of your posts.Nor did I comply. I did not even comment on the topic itself yet and, in spite of that, you tell me that I am “trying to retire your statements”?

I only pointed-out that your over self-confidence might impare your judgement.
And,by the looks of it, it really does. Might be just me though.

I don’t really care if it will be useless or not, the point remains.

tl;dr: LAWL, “my opinion is the only opinion”, OMG!

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