New Steam UI
Created 24th February 2010 @ 01:05
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Can’t see any text wtf :S
Their names are greyed out like before?
Quoted from L-iNC
Their names are greyed out like before?
Ye, i somehow missed the Friends button top left… Dno about the avatar tho, can you guys change it?
Quoted from Archy
Ye, i somehow missed the Friends button top left… Dno about the avatar tho, can you guys change it?
its been a while and still I see no text and its causing awful performance issues
Liked it so far but i noticed an annoying bug last night. Was playing a match and suddenly everyone started getting huge lag due to steam, but theres no way to turn off steam friends. :(
Quoted from Skyride
Liked it so far but i noticed an annoying bug last night. Was playing a match and suddenly everyone started getting huge lag due to steam, but theres no way to turn off steam friends. :(
. There is.
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