New Steam UI
Created 24th February 2010 @ 01:05
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What are the differences?
quite a few.
i really don’t like it, and am right now switching back from the beta. i hope they maintain legacy theme support.
Quoted from eoN^
What are the differences?
looks different, theres a new library option, the in game bit looks way diff etc etc..
also, if you thought mem/cpu usage was bad with the old steam ui, you are going to suicide when you see this
oh ma gawd, must try… will need to change whole desktop setup…
worth it.
This is pretty sweet, except then for the fact that it makes steam crash once every 3 minutes
Looks great though
I miss my small games list in the top right corner of my left monitor and my friends list directly underneith…
Was alot smoother….
The noises this thing makes is just unnatural…
But yea, ill give it a go for a day or two see if it grows on me.
If you get crash, go to run and type: regedit
then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve/Steam/Beta and delete the beta folder :)
Thx deux you saved my night i think:x
Still i’m frustrated for not being able to test it:(
can’t start steam? delete ClientRegistry.blob in steam-folder.
invisible fonts? open up: steam.styles in Steam/resource/styles and edit to basefontbold=”Arial Black”
taking 18 hours to install and work out its shit god fucking damnit
if anyone has issues simply launching the software, try to delete the clientregistry.blob and run the exe as administrator
edit: it runs, very slowly
it doesnt show any single lecter except a few things
Quoted from gniedler
can’t start steam? delete ClientRegistry.blob in steam-folder.
invisible fonts? open up: steam.styles in Steam/resource/styles and edit to basefontbold=”Arial Black”
doesnt work for me (and I’ve tried different fonts)
Last edited by ambra,
Quoted from gniedler
invisible fonts? open up: steam.styles in Steam/resource/styles and edit to basefontbold=”Arial Black”
Thanks gniedler, the font fix worked perfectly
Last edited by DeNeusbeer,
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