Created 18th February 2010 @ 13:35
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If Gryzor said he was an obvious cheater that means this isn’t a true test of the capabilities of the AC-Team but a simple test that proves how the mind works. Gryzor has good knowledge about how cheats work and what they look like. Since AC isn’t a hard science (this is why there is an AC _team_ ), the AC team would also valued his opinion because of Gryzor’s reputation with regards to AC. It is easier to see an effect (even if it isn’t there) if somebody knowledgeable tells you it’s there. Even if you are also knowledgeable in that field.
Quoted from quad
I have played against gryzor many times on pubs btw
No, it is like this:
1. He record demo of me on a public danish server
2. He sends it to AC team and said it was aimbot(lying to see thier view of it)
3. Everything winds up as it have
Thats what he have explained in his article if you read it carefully.
If this is what Gryzor has done, can I just say that it was a fucking ludicrous action performed by someone that didn’t think of the consequences of what he was doing.
So quad was banned due to Gryzor trying an experiment – way to go.
Next time you try to entrap the AC admins take a minute and try to think about the fallout of your actions. Maybe let the person you are using for the sting know what you’re doing and document it properly rather than just rely on I said they said shit.
GJ Gryzor despite whatever comes out of this piece of amateurish investigative journalism.
Oh yeah what’s his Steam ID so I can ban him on my server in case he tries the same shit with one of my guys.
Quoted from Waebi
In that case he’d be banned for a different reason, that being “making false accusations” imo :P basically, banning him for (goes for a quick copy-and-paste-run) “Abuse of confidential information” confirms a part of the story at least.
Just because some of it is true and confidential doesn’t mean it all was true.
i said “at least a part” ;)
i rest my case, if it were not true, then it would simply have been dismissed as a lie, as a false statement, “something made up by (insert insults pointed at Gryzor)”.
Last edited by Waebi,
If you sign up to view confidential information you agree to not share it. Gryzor has just broken the professional trust inbetween him and ETF2L.
To be honest if I was in ETF2L’s position he would of been banned a long time ago, his general attitude is appalling.
it’s not like it’s a contract of any sort, right :P
if you start comparing this to the real world, then you may also go on and compare cheating to doping tests and then all of a sudden the picture gets ALL WRONG OMG
is this shit still going on
From the article:
While I pondered on how to write this article, the whole thing took another absurd turn. On ex.Quad’s video, you could read that cc/compton apparently had received information from admins that “more evidence” against the player (see Something which seems rather unlikely concidering the ban is on a Division 6, danish player of whom nobody have ever heard of before this incident. I have tried to reach Compton without succeeding.
I have no idea what he’s talking about :D If anyone can find me in the video or knows what he means, please enlighten me.
Quoted from compton
From the article:
[…]I have no idea what he’s talking about :D If anyone can find me in the video or knows what he means, please enlighten me.
I saw that and went looking for your name. Couldn’t find it anywhere :D
I love the fact so many people are commenting whilst openly admitting to not having read the article and so are missing fairly key points of what’s happened and is happening.
At the same time it terrifies me that you will.
Quoted from compton
From the article:
[…]I have no idea what he’s talking about :D If anyone can find me in the video or knows what he means, please enlighten me.
I just remembered a comment I made there where I said I had talked to an admin and I was told it wasn’t just that 1 demo. Same tag, different name. Guess he got the names mixed up?
Last edited by Buffalo Bill,
Quoted from Krakyn
I love the fact so many people are commenting whilst openly admitting to not having read the article and so are missing fairly key points of what’s happened and is happening.
At the same time it terrifies me that you will.
I’d query whether part of that perceived ignorance is because of a lack of flow and coherence in the post itself. I for one have quite a problem deciphering half of it.
You have to actually read it and not just skim, though it’s difficult to not skim as it’s pretty boring up until the last few paragraphs.
what Koeitje said.
Last edited by Afle,
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