Created 18th February 2010 @ 13:35
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Quoted from GangsterAlgot
Actually Gryzors post says nothing whether quad actually is cheating or not. It just says that Gryzor “randomly” took his demo from a pubserver and sent it in saying he was an obvious cheater. We only have Gryzors word for that quad isn’t cheating. I don’t see how his word is better than anyone elses word.
I have asked the ac admins who all believe quad to have cheated to give us the details on what was suspicious in the evidence provided. I have been provided with some of this already and it will be posted in due course.
Sorry this post isn’t longer or more detailed. I’m currently upgrading windows 7 and posting this from my iPhone.
Quoted from Shintaz
i miss boomeh
then again, boomeh sort of outsmarted it. then anakin sort of outsmarted him.
i had dodgy aequitas files sitting on the esl website for over 8 months apperntly, so i dunno if anakin was the one that outsmarted me
Quoted from boomeh
i had dodgy aequitas files sitting on the esl website for over 8 months apperntly, so i dunno if anakin was the one that outsmarted me
Quoted from GangsterAlgot
Actually Gryzors post says nothing whether quad actually is cheating or not. It just says that Gryzor “randomly” took his demo from a pubserver and sent it in saying he was an obvious cheater. We only have Gryzors word for that quad isn’t cheating. I don’t see how his word is better than anyone elses word.
Actually Gryzor pointed out to me I am at fault here. He didn’t accuse quad of anything merely sent in his demo saying nothing about cheats.
Quoted from GangsterAlgot
Actually Gryzor pointed out to me I am at fault here. He didn’t accuse quad of anything merely sent in his demo saying nothing about cheats.
Sending the demo in to the AC admins is accusing in a way, because it’s the presupposition that you wouldn’t send in a demo if there was nothing suspicious about it. So it’s pretty hard to do this and “say nothing” about cheats.
Quoted from GangsterAlgot
Actually Gryzor pointed out to me I am at fault here. He didn’t accuse quad of anything merely sent in his demo saying nothing about cheats.
Strange, when I’m looking at the logs presented I am perfectly able to read the words “obvious hacker”.
This is once again a reason why we should withhold ourselves from needless speculation, a statement will be made soon. A free and open discussion can be held afterwards.
Last edited by RaCio,
Quoted from GangsterAlgot
Actually Gryzor pointed out to me I am at fault here. He didn’t accuse quad of anything merely sent in his demo saying nothing about cheats.
I have played against gryzor many times on pubs btw
No, it is like this:
1. He record demo of me on a public danish server
2. He sends it to AC team and said it was aimbot(lying to see thier view of it)
3. Everything winds up as it have
Thats what he have explained in his article if you read it carefully.
Last edited by quad,
That’s not true either. He didn’t say anything about aimbot.
His precise words were : “obvious hax0r”.
Edit: Sort of, he just said that there was cheats
Last edited by quad,
I found a fish in my cupboard last night.
Quoted from Waebi
Payard is back soon btw <3
Can’t wait for those threads :D
Quoted from Sirrus
Amazing that how quick you’ve shut up when that came out buff.
Shut up about what exactly? I never said Quad was hacking or not, all I said was for all of you from ex. to calm down, wondering what you and your team were thinking you’d accomplish by posting that vid and going:
that ? a proof ?
Are you serious ?!
UNBAN – Noreille
ac-team ban him for this??? jesus fuck, lets ban all good snipers! – Warp
And even outright flaming of the admins:
Please tell me this is a joke and that this isn’t the evidence…
You would have to be a pretty shit admin to ban someone on evidence as flimsy as that, but I guess this is indicative of the “talented” people on the anti-cheat team. – Warp
You guys shut up after D2M banned Noreille’s second account, so there was no need for me to continue talking about it. :)
Riddle me this, JK:
Why does a far-fetched story of someone who isn’t exactly one of the most loved people in ETF2L or in very good standing with its admins count as evidence? There’s NOTHING that proves it’s true. All there is is Gryzor’s word. Who says he’s not just doing this as a final jab at ETF2L? Who says he’s not just using this as an attempt at getting back at them for whatever reason? (I’m not saying he is, I’m just saying that news post isn’t proof of anything)
Last edited by Buffalo Bill,
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
There’s NOTHING that proves it’s true. All there is is Gryzor’s word.
In that case he’d be banned for a different reason, that being “making false accusations” imo :P basically, banning him for (goes for a quick copy-and-paste-run) “Abuse of confidential information” confirms a part of the story at least.
Last edited by Waebi,
Quoted from Waebi
In that case he’d be banned for a different reason, that being “making false accusations” imo :P basically, banning him for (goes for a quick copy-and-paste-run) “Abuse of confidential information” confirms a part of the story at least.
Who says it’s related? It certainly looks like it, yes, but the timing does not mean he is banned for that. :)
Last edited by Buffalo Bill,
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