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a problem... sorta..

Created 17th February 2010 @ 15:48

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Well i have around 350 hours of soldier, and around 100 hours of demoman. Despite that, I am VERY inconsistent at soldier. Sometimes I play quite well, and sometimes i really suck. I use around 4 sensi with 800 dpi and my viewmodels are switched on, if that is of any help. Now, my demo, although a hundred hours, is more consistent than my soldier, but even at it’s peak its not great. Anyone can advice me on what I am lacking etc.? Also, should I continue playing soldier or should I switch to demoman?


Well… there are a couple of things that can result in a good or bad day.

– Make sure you sleep enough.
– Don’t play to long in a row, I allways take a 5 minute break every hour. Or your mind will get tired really fast. ( you’ll lose your focus ). During this break, dont go surfing on the internet but step back from your computer and drink some coffee or eat a apple or whatever.. ( Dont wank off, it wont do you any good @ concentrating :D ).
– Make sure you dont turn in a fat disguisting stinking nerdy monster and take a run now and then, your psysical condition is related to your mental condition.
– Realise your brain is no computer so you cant be consistent all the time.


Well thats barely a problem… You’re just not good at games, probably, and hours won’t help you much. For example, I can spend a thousand hours trying to paint like DaVincy, but I won’t :(

Anyways, practice makes perfect, so try to play more competitive and try to play against stronger opponents. GL.



I would say play the one you enjoy the most. Games are meant to be fun remember. Stay off too much booze/narcotics, although I find a glass of wine or two often helps me out.

+1 to Gomer Pyle’s comments on resting occasionally and play lots of PUG’s, see http://tf2lobby.com for some light hearted 6 on 6 matches.

Also, dont forget your perceived performance will vary depending on how good your opponents are too. Play someone poo and you’ll think you’re amazing, play some top players and it’s all n00b-tastic feelings.

Good luck and have fun.

Last edited by Monkeh,


\V/ »

First of all it doesnt matter how fast/slow your mouse is as long as you’re not hampered in your play style for example look at ksharp he’s a fucking cs/css legend and he used to play with an ordinary 800dpi computer mouse. The slower your mouse is the more precise is your aim but the slower is your reaction. (just watch that your mouse is clean and has no problems with the driver)

+1 for Private Gomer Pyle’s tips. They should help you to avoid some flucations in your skill but everyone has a good or bad day sometimes.

+1 for Monkeh.

I would try to turn the Rocketlauncher viewmodel off or make it very small because it takes you your view sometimes ;D. (but as i said above if you like to play with the rocketlauncher viewmodel it doesnt matter that much)



from my experience since i 2 am a soldier mainly altho i can play a really good demo, i sometimes underachieve so to speak in both aspects. but as others have said dont overplay the game…i mean look at dignitas players, most of them only play if they have pcw/official matches.
dont play too much and let your brain rot, chill and play on a casual basis i guess.



Just drink a shit load of caffeine.


Dont go for the class you play best, i did that and only now im playing the class i actually enjoy :P

Demo is alot easier than soldier (to play well consistently at least) soldier doesnt feel like youve done anything amazing and sucks alot of the time agressively and of course soldier dies really quickly if your not with your medic, on the other hand as demo you can beast a whole team with your 8 stickys from above and win middle and turn a whole game around

The equivelent of that for soldier would be to jump on their whole team and kill the medic.

If you get what i mean like demo is alot more powerful and gives you a good feeling when you butt rush people but soldier is more the rock of the classes.

That probably made no sense anyway..


agree with eon.



Quoted from Pyle

– Make sure you dont turn in a fat disguisting stinking nerdy monster and take a run now and then,

Too late for swifty, btw who says pc’s are consistant!?


I always result in a better performance if I havent played tf2 before the actual match, otherwise I’m stressed and rage too much to focus; thats why I always play shitty games (mostly single player, too) and I’m hardly spotted “in-game: Team Fortress 2”.

To calm down, when I’m excessively upset, I need either a drink or some extract of valeriana in pills ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeriana_(herb) ).

I have been suggested to join some anger management group but the only result was getting mad at who actually made the suggestion.

So my personal suggestion for anyone who feels like underperforming too often is: keep a shot of alcohol (porto, calvados, rum, limoncello, Riga black balsam etc…) and down it instead of getting upset: you will either improve or stop caring if youre doing bad.

edit: and ye I have almost 500 hours of scout and still suck in 3/4 of the matches I play so I know the feeling

Last edited by ambra,



play less between having breaks
exercise more.
make sure you have consistant fps. 30 fps constantly is better than having it fluctuate all the time
a good screen which doesnt ghost every time you move your mouse quickly (unlike mine :P)

so in simple terms. if you are well rested, stress free and your pc will perform consistently then you have a greater chance of performing well yourself. just eliminate the factors that make you suck and then you will be able to see how much you truly suck!

if your not enjoying the game. have a break. have a kit-cat



1. Take regular breaks
2. Eat/drink enough, I don’t play as well when I’m hungry or thirsty
3. Get a good night’s sleep
4. If you’re doing badly, take a few moments to relax as if you keep playing you will be in a bad mood and therefore play worse

That’s all I can think of, good luck :P


Hey dats!



You lot are all very serious about this.

Guys, please remember (and i know most people say this to troll but)

its a game…

if your not enjoying it stop playing it and do something else, watch tv, go out etc. If it makes you angry do something else… Its pretty simple.

Its like this, if your standing infront of someone and about to hit them because they are screaming at you, counting to ten while they are still standing there screaming at you wont make a difference.


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