Equalizer fixes
Created 10th February 2010 @ 20:18
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So, in every game since the update, I’ve been using nothing but the Equalizer. It gibs nearly everything in one hit, and I win the game every time by destroying medics. I don’t use the rocket launcher anymore because my insane slightly less than scout speed lets me dodge every bullet/spam by pressing A/D. No motherfucka can track me.
Post your fixes to this OP PIECE OF SHITTT
Reduce max damage to 125 – if scouts run into you + can’t kill you when they have 40 HP + can’t kill me even though their damage is at max, they deserve to die
alternatively, make it do 50 damage max. I use it for collecting health+ammo packs or rushing to resupply occasionally when the medic is dead from catching nades, the damage isn’t a big part of it in general use
Last edited by Memento Mori,
The Escapelizer
25 dmg on every hit, same speed as scouts, when on low hp (25 -)
Only used to get somewhere fast, or escape from a fight.
Problem solved?
Last edited by Sir Remix,
Easy fix:
Remove the damage buff. That would mean the Equalizer do 33 damage.
Waa! Waa! The soldier actually has a melee weapon that is usefull lets ban it. Oh wait actually lets ban every soldier upgrade because we love it being a shit class -_-.
Maybe move the damage buff to the shovel, so both weapons essentially buff the soldier, in different ways, as everyone seems to be moaning the soldier needs a buff.
Give the damage buff to the shovel and keep only the speed buff for the pickaxe
Done :D
FUUUU ninja’d
Last edited by iQue,
every melee weapon does 65 hp (not scout and spy, ok)
but why can one weapon alone (axe + fire, melee demo + shield) get so much damage?
its op, I totally agree
just fix the the damage to 33 hp and let the speed increase like it is atm
and remove the non-healing part
this is one possible fair solution imo
I don’t think its that bad. It’s more useful to me than The Direct Hit because of the speed + it’s very rare to get killed by it/kill by it unless either team loses 90% gamesense
Keep the speed, stop whining about it when kills happen once a fortnight (literally)
Because the soldier has <50hp doing that insane damage and you're a lame crap for letting him get close enough to kill you?
I’ve never died to it
I think it’s fine, it doesn’t affect the game THAT much and it makes playing soldier a lot more fun :)
The equalizer would be a proper sidegrade if it did 0 damage. Hell, i’d still use the equalizer.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Waa! Waa! The soldier actually has a melee weapon that is usefull lets ban it. Oh wait actually lets ban every soldier upgrade because we love it being a shit class -_-.
Quoted from Spaceboy McGhee
I think it’s fine, it doesn’t affect the game THAT much and it makes playing soldier a lot more fun :)
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Waa! Waa! The soldier actually has a melee weapon that is usefull lets ban it. Oh wait actually lets ban every soldier upgrade because we love it being a shit class -_-.
These 2. Soldier has always been slated as the weakest one, the more boring of the 3 combat classes (Scout/Soldier/Demo). Now he’s got a weapon that helps with both and you want it nerfed despite the fact it hasn’t got any significant impact on the game other than give us Soldiers a small, fun, risky little trick which fails most of the time.
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