TF2 Uncut/Cut Version
Created 7th October 2008 @ 12:54
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Hey m8s!
I want to start a new discussion about the both Team Fortress 2 Versions, the Uncutversion and Cutversion. All germans who bought TF2 on Steam with a creditcard, got a Cutversion BUT all who bought the ORANGE BOX (DE) in a shop have a uncut version now..
Here is the difference between Cut and Uncut:
Please scroll a little bit down to see the important pictures for this topic..
Your opinion pls!
imo valve did that only for the german USK but if they set the orangebox to uncut, they should set the steamversions (about paypal, creditcard) to uncut, too ..
[sorry for crappy english ;)]
guess you mean that one
amagad ohnoes no blood how must i ever like this game if there was no gore >_> should care about teamplay not how much blood there is i wouldn’t care for it.
Hm, I bought the OB via Steam (Pre-Order to play the Beta) and mine is now uncut too, I think since the Pyro Update or so.
But there’s no real difference in gameplay, although the blood is easier to be seen then the sparks.
Haha i couldnt help laughing of the censored version, the gore is lanslated to teddy bears and wheels, almost makes me wanna get that version cause it looks so funny :D.
But really, TF2 needs the over-the-top gore, and censorship should be banned world-wide :/.
Oh my god that’s hilarious.
first of all: damn Kaaskopjes!!! >)
its a real shame how games get cut for the german market, we are quite the opposite to the US right now…liberal when it comes to sex and restricitive when it comes to violence (well better than the other way around tbh =) and this is ofc due to our history as a country.
anyway i get the frustration even if i was lucky getting the uncut version.
Smofo, trust me u wouldnt like to see rubber ducks flying after an airshot. its pure bs to say it doesnt matter. im against censorship of any kind but i doubt things will change as the story continues, i heard Fallout 3 is getting massively cut aswell as Far Cry 2.
Well import versions ftw.
I loved the cut version, i want it back!! :(
haha bm, i wouldn’t mind the airshot with rubberduckies flying around. I’d already be glad I made one and I played Q3 before this and turned off the blood in that game.. why would you want to see blood all around and with this I mean TF2 since TF2 is cartoonish at itself already which I like for other games I’d understand you’d want it more gorey though.
I don’t have any problems with blood etc. but I only see a black box when I hit an enemy :/ so blood would be much prettier than a blackbox :D
i want a german frag movie full of that, would be awsome haha
Well, basically the cut version isn’t that bad. You seriously have huge advantages over the uncut version withing mass soldier fights. Think about it :)
how can i get rid off all these damm rubber ducks?
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