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Created 5th February 2010 @ 03:20

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l l l

Pure: I heard of Kynnel and tried to spec him as much as I could. And this is nothing personal, but, after watching him play 3-4 matches, at totally different times, I came to the conclusion that either every medic in Europe was atrocious or European TF2 players are just idiots. Medics in Europe pocket the demo immensely. So you must ask: Who gets less heals because the demo is always stacked? The soldiers. EU’s second soldiers get no heals, EU pocket’s barely ever get that constant 300 buff. The only two medics I see sometimes rely solely on their soldiers is Agron and Springer. Europe doesn’t want to admit it, but if we ever meet on lan, (dignitas not included) Europe would get worked so hard, they would have to barter tickets to get back home.


Last edited by l l l,


Well the medics i know 80% of the times heal their soldiers , then the demo and maybe scouts.
But you cant really judge the whole EU tf2 community by a few teams that concetrate all the healing around their demo , so i really didnt understand why you made that post.







looks like those silly americans haven’t mastered the art of pocket demoman…




why waste heals on the weakest class in 6v6 more than necessary? it’s not like the slowest class in TF2 would be effective outside your own n00b scene. the heal order has the demoman on the top of the list for a good reason.

also, have you guys heard of situational gameplay? oh wait, you’re from the US where everything is done according to a preset strategy. maybe the US scene will some day learn that saying “doing X is wrong, but doing Y is correct” is incorrect, and adjust their gameplay to the situation rather than make a checklist that should be full-marked to be a successful team.




n1 conclusion


Quoted from l l l

Pure: I heard of Kynnel and tried to spec him as much as I could. And this is nothing personal, but, after watching him play 3-4 matches, at totally different times, I came to the conclusion that either every medic in Europe was atrocious or European TF2 players are just idiots. Medics in Europe pocket the demo immensely. So you must ask: Who gets less heals because the demo is always stacked? The soldiers. EU’s second soldiers get no heals, EU pocket’s barely ever get that constant 300 buff. The only two medics I see sometimes rely solely on their soldiers is Agron and Springer. Europe doesn’t want to admit it, but if we ever meet on lan, (dignitas not included) Europe would get worked so hard, they would have to barter tickets to get back home.


first “eu fags cant strafe” now this shit LOL



Silly us keeping the class that can do the most damage alive for longer, god damn. Are all US demos brainless drones that jump in, pick off a soldier and die?


Go back to gotfrag 13-year-old-kid.



when I play medic I try to stick with the scouts and only heal them.

healing the OP class works, dude. You should try it.

wait what

Memento Mori

Quoted from l l l

Pure: if we ever meet on lan, (dignitas not included) Europe would get worked so hard, they would have to barter tickets to get back home.

But american teams suck…



Quoted from l l l

Europe doesn’t want to admit it, but if we ever meet on lan, (dignitas not included) Europe would get worked so hard, they would have to barter tickets to get back home.

Oh its on now.



Sure, this is a troll post and surely he is wrong about that talk about “all European medics are like that..” talk, but still I think there is something here.

To overheal a player doesn’t take too long. To heal a wounded player to full health takes much more valuable time.

From what I have seen many medics tend to miss to overheal their soldiers at the start because they are too concentrated on the demo.
The demo needs the overheal the most because he is the most powerful class, so if there is not enough time then sure, he should have priority. But if he is already overhealed, overhealing the soldiers are a much better use of the time than keeping the beam on the demo just because the overheal might go down a few hp.

I’m not saying that this is what all europeans do, just that it occurs quite often, especially in lower divisions.

If the soldiers are not getting overhealed at the start their health go down when they rocket jump to mid and they have to wait for the medic to heal them on the way to prevent them from getting too damaged when they arrive and thereby slowing down the push. Or they could just jump to mid and arrive with very low health risking their life and the success of the attack.
Quite obvious statements, but anyway..

tl;dr version :
Overhealing is taking much less time than healing a wounded player.
Use it to your advantage on as many players as possible and don’t focus the beam too much on the demo.



Last edited by nvc,



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