M0re high fps
Created 27th January 2010 @ 17:47
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I concur, the config probably just changed minmode either from 1 to 0 or 0 to1 ( cant remember the default for his config). Which would of screwed your hud if it only works with one of those.
Edit: Just seen your post, can you check the resource folder and tell us if anything is in there?
Last edited by Cheez,
take a hammer to it
put it in your mouth
my configs doesnt change min mods but it seems that you’ve downloaded my hud and not configs.
The FPS config is a single .txt file. There is no resource and scripts folders and such.
As far as I’ve understood. He uses his own “custom HUD” where he have mixed the files from the different HUDS (taking the best from each, if you will). Then he installed m0re’s high fps setting, this caused his HUD to reset for some reason. And now he wants to know if this is normal or if he have done something wrong, because he cba to download all the huds and mix ’em together.
I suggested to him to check if cl_hud_minimode was set correctly, but that didn’t have an effect. Then I said he should contact one of the official HUD.. -makers?
Quoted from shank
im using your high fps cfg. and your HUd just that i moded it a bit
guess that might be the problem :)
Epic thread
You should add: sv_hud_overload 0 to the config I think. So it doenst overload anything. sv_hud_turndefault 0 too.
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