Mumble delayed-relaybot for listening to match comms while watching STV
Created 24th January 2010 @ 00:27
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Quoted from frymaster
– Turning the volume level of the mimics down so it’s easier to talk over them – this is pretty hard, at the moment we just store the data payload and forward it on, we’d actually have to parse the packet, decode the audio, re-encode the audio, and repackage… but it could be done IF there’s sufficient interest
either they will have to start processing the packets instead of just storing/delaying them, or wait for mumble to support per-user/channel volume controls.
Quoted from Arie
We have this running on our 1.2 Mumble, works as advertised, A+++
Cool, didn’t know whether or not I had some actual users :D So is there anything you’d like to change about it?
I’m looking into ways of compiling the python into an .exe file (and something similar for Linux) so you wouldnt need python and the Google protobuf stuff installed… would that be of interest to folks?
Can I use it as a mumble user or does it have to be executed on the mumble server itself?
One single exe sounds like a very good idea to me.
Quoted from frymaster
Cool, didn’t know whether or not I had some actual users :D
Arie installed it on the got mumble to. Works like a charm, lovely program :)
Quoted from fjord
Can I use it as a mumble user or does it have to be executed on the mumble server itself?
One single exe sounds like a very good idea to me.
it can be ran from anywhere… though if you aren’t running it on the same box as the server you might have to turn the delay down to, say, 89.95 seconds instead of 90
there’s now a windows package available for this:
unzip this somewhere and run it from the command-line. just type “eve-bot.exe” by itself to get the parameters
if it doesn’t run, you might need the MS visual C package:
Last edited by frymaster,
just updated this – there’s a bug which caused it to crash on a 1.2.2 server if you ran the bot with the -v option
Last edited by frymaster,
Quoted from frymaster
Cool, didn’t know whether or not I had some actual users :D So is there anything you’d like to change about it?
I’m looking into ways of compiling the python into an .exe file (and something similar for Linux) so you wouldnt need python and the Google protobuf stuff installed… would that be of interest to folks?
Having an easier time to install it would be nice. I didn’t have the right SSL version because I’m stuck with an older Python version, was kinda annoying to get the right version. A binary (like Mumble) would be nice :)
Sounds great. This could also be used to learn good comms from top players. It would make things a lot easier for people like Evil if he want’s to continue the work on his blog. I remember R@ts offered people the opportunity to listen to their mumble while watching pcw’s on a S-TV with zero delay. Only problem was that only 1 or 2 teams at a time could listen.
Quoted from Arie
Having an easier time to install it would be nice. I didn’t have the right SSL version because I’m stuck with an older Python version, was kinda annoying to get the right version. A binary (like Mumble) would be nice :)
agreed, especially since ubutnu 8.04 LTS is only python 2.5 (and the SSL module only comes with python 2.6) – before I realised you could even install that module on 2.5 I had to install a second version of python on my server when writing this
it’s now solved on windows (.zip file with .exe in it), and I’m looking into it on linux – there’s a way to compile python programs (well, turn then into C++ code, and then use the standard compiler to compile them), but it doesn’t work for dynamically-loaded python binaries (like e.g. SSL…), the solution is to recompile python to be static… going to have to get a VM up and running and experiment with that, coz I’m buggered if I’m messing about with my server
edit: windows version now updated
Last edited by frymaster,
yay o/
there’s now a 32-bit binary package for linux, it consists of the main binary and some shared library functions, it should work OK on most 32-bit linux distros.
If you’re running 64-bit linux, you need to make sure the “ia32-libs” package or similar is installed, which is the 32-bit C runtime
Many many thanks to GotenXiao on #multiplay with advice and testing in getting this to a) compile, and b) work :D
Last edited by frymaster,
we should grab this shit to let everyone listen how we yell at eachother in italian for half of the time while we peacefully comunicate in english the rest of the game
if you’re using the python script, you need a python module first (instructions on the website or it’ll moan at you if you don’t have it) and you have to have ssl support (comes with python 2.6, or you need to install it in previous versions) – instructions for doing this vary depending on what os / distro you’re using are
if you’re using the binary versions, just download and uncompress :)
if you’re having problems, email me or ask in this thread, and when we’ve worked it out i’ll put the solution on the website
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