Idea: Medic-in-distress call
Created 22nd January 2010 @ 18:34
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I also posted this on the steam forums:
Suggestion: Medic has a “help” call that lets players see his general health and direction – working just like a medic call from medic to other classes. A photoshop illustration:
From the left: 1. Medic at full hp, medic at low hp. On the right, dead medic i auto called.
Reason: The medic is arguably the class that is the most dependent on support from other classes. Classes have a medic-call (e) for calling the medic. But the medic has no way of signalizing his need for help to the other classes.
* Allows a medic being attacked from behind to call for help, without the need of a microphone. Handy for players without microphone, or in competitive where comms can be saturated.
* Makes it easier for other classes to locate the medic for heals, or for rescuing vs back attack.
* Makes it clear for all classes nearby that the medic is weak, and allows them to set up a perimeter for him to snag nearby healthpacks.
GUI will be more saturated for some classes. But, not by much, and no more that that of the medic GUI
Overall, such a feature should allow for better team play on pub, and more effectiveness in competitive.
I like the name of the first person to respond XD
But yes, has been suggested several times. Would be greatly appreciated.
very nicely thought out idea +1
Some way to let your team know what your uber % is at too would be nice, but it might be too easy. I think it should be done kinda like in q3 engine games, or atleast W:ET, it is possible to use the name of your previous kill for a bind to spam “*name* just got 0wnd”
Torden said it, it’s definitely a good plan.
ex div2 medic approves *yay*
Sweet idea Torden.
In seriousness though, good idea. Could be set up with a slider in advanced options to set the HP at which the medic SOS call is triggered?
I would love this, it would be really helpful. Amazing idea, Torden.
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