TF2lobby opens to the public
Created 19th January 2010 @ 20:32
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This is just like spelarenan, a swedish gather site for easygoing pcws in counter strike. I for one love the system. About their ways of voice coms they have a seperate program that you also use to connect to the server, record stats and so on… but i doubt that system will be needed in tf2 which have an ok talk system if u can bother fixing it.
I big fat thumb up for this, im sure it will work out perfectly after a few tests
good work , but horrible atm for euro players since the euro servers are atm locked … but on the other side i think its nice to see euros and americans playing together was funny tho
Yeah, unfortunately our Valve euro servers are down atm but that should be worked out soon. Remember, anyone that owns a server can start a lobby on it, I suggest titling the lobby EU: Whatever so that everyone knows the region before they enter.
can’t make an account always says that i’m using wrong code or my steam profile is private and it’s not :S
omg nvm figured it out
Last edited by Tony,
Quoted from Tony
can’t make an account always says that i’m using wrong code or my steam profile is private and it’s not :S
omg nvm figured it out
same thing. How did you solved?
Just signed up and testing it out. Really nice idea and so far everything seems awesome.
I’m sure this will help attract a lot of new people into 6v6 TF2. Just because its so easy to signup and get yourself playing compared to the current options.
Quoted from revanxp
same thing. How did you solved?
steam-edit my profile-summarry-put the code in there ;)
We just gave it a test, we had some weird problems :
1- we were 11 ppl on the lobby, all ready, and lobby was locked. Couldn’t unlock it as the host, and nobody could uncheck ready. We started anyway and someone joined us.
2- We were using a private server (mine) which never had any problem before. Problem was there was no respawn time for both team. I changed mp_respawnwavetime to 10, and then a team still had no respawn time… Finally set it back to 0 so the game would be more fair even if it wasn’t worth to play.
Those are the only bugs I have to report so far, it was quite annoying, but tbh, your tool is really promising to bring more people to the competitive side of tf2. Though I’m more a fan for irc pugs with ventrilo or mumble as voice communication tools.
I can think of one flaw, how do you know (as a euro player) you wont end up with / against NZ players or yanks?
yeah i signed up to, amazing job :))
Looks very promising, great work.
Regarding voice, you might want to look at Mumble when everything else is running. Afaik it supports a lot of external control, so tf2lobby could possibly do everything (like checking for mumble running, connecting and putting ppl on 2 seperate rooms) without any action required from the user. I agree its not essential, but its a lot better no doubt.
Mailed a small bug i ran into as well.
I will not repeat myself past this: no external chat programs will be officially looked at.
If you’re really hurting, press valve for better ingame codecs
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