TF2lobby opens to the public
Created 19th January 2010 @ 20:32
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It can be a lot of fun but there’s plenty of morons waiting to ruin the game.
Minor problem: When a sub is requested and the console says ‘a sub is on the way’ and he never turns up, a feature where the lobby leader can just request a sub without having to report anyone would be nice.
Seems a shame to report an innocent on one team to replace a sub that never turned up.
Still loving the lobby over all.
the main problem with tf2lobbys is the standards of play
pickups are still preferable from my pov, so lows will find this a great training utility.
Yes, I is a low.
You, as an example, are never/very rarely going to get, what you consider to be a decent skill level. I mean to say, how many European TF2 players are at a Div3/2/1 standard? How many of them are even registered with tf2lobby? How many of them are on when you are? How many of those play seriously when they do play?
The answer to that equation is…..very few indeed.
I’m not sure the lobby is designed or meant for high level play, just go get a pcw with your clan, I believe it’s a great place for n00bs to be introduced to comp play and for us lows to get some practice in and ‘ave a larffffff.
Heart the lobby, not hate!
Last edited by Monkeh,
Yep sending all our pub players who are intrested in comp to the lobby and they are loving it :) (sorry to all the pros who have played with roaming pyros etc!)
its a good way to get started with comp play imo
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