TF2lobby opens to the public
Created 19th January 2010 @ 20:32
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the idea is nice to bad I’m the only one using voice com in 9/10 games.
Quoted from Old_Grandma
the idea is nice to bad I’m the only one using voice com in 9/10 games.
I hear you on that one. Other than that it is pretty nice though.
systems really fun when you dont teamstack. otherwise it gets really stale.
ok, the plugin is done. sorry it took a while but just couldn’t get around to it. Turns out it only took me 5 ahh well :)
So. Now on our lobby server you can use a !mumble command in all-chat. If you are on blu it will shove you into the blu channel on mumble and if on red it will shove you in to the red channel.
Should you swap teams for whatever reason and do the command again it will swap you in mumble also.
The first time you use it you will HAVE to accept the certificate but after that you’ll be fine. You will also have to have the latest version of mumble installed currently 1.2.1? although 1.2.0 also works :)
Last edited by humbug,
Could you publish that plugin so I can bug our admins to install it on our server as well? Would be really nice!
Guess I’m going to play in the :ne: lobby more often now :D
Quoted from Ino
Could you publish that plugin so I can bug our admins to install it on our server as well? Would be really nice!
can’t see any reason why not. Let us make sure it works properly first so i don’t have to release a ‘fixed’ version.
currently adding support for vent, teampeak 2 and teamspeak 3. i have them all connecting to the root channels on all just need to do the team bits.
Last edited by humbug,
I’ve played on TF2 Lobby about 12 times now, 6 of them while creating my own lobby. First of all I wanted to thank the developers for all the work they’ve done and the creativity they’ve shown. I do however, have some inputs on the system:
The positive ones first:
* Nice layout, both the main one, and the one where you’re connected to a lobby.
* The entire system is very easy to use, from login in, signing up in a lobby, to creating your own lobby.
* The system that you can create your lobby even if you don’t have a server is very good. Thanks to server-providers.
* I think, in part from many others, that using in-game was a very good idea, and summons up very good with the entire concept of being easy to use. Very few people use voice, but I think it would be even fewer if it was on mumble.
* Average skill level was higher than I expected, although it was very differentiated.
* Very good that classes are pre-chosen, so that everyone gets the slots they want and they don’t rush to the server and see that their slot is taken.
But then I got some things where I think improvement can be made:
The biggest problem right now is that players are missing on the server. This depends on several things
* To report a player missing, 4 players have to report him. This has so far never happened. This must be changed, it should be enough that 1 player report another missing to call for a sub. You (MangyCarface) said in a earlier post that you put this high number of players because you didn’t trust players to use it correctly and because it wouldn’t be so much work tabbing out and reporting a player. I think you’re wrong in both cases. A very large majority just want to play a good game. As of now it very often becomes 6v5 or 5v5, and it’s very hard to find a sub through the chat-channel on the main page. I’ve already started to see players start quitting and trying to find a new game when it comes to this situation, because they know that it’s very difficult to find a sub.
Too summon it up: The sub system is great, but it MUST be changed so that it’s enough that ONE player report another missing. It works in other pickups, it will work here.
* Too get less players missing from the beginning the Ready function should be changed. As of now players join and press ready at the same time, making it pretty useless. I think the ready function should be there, but that it only can be pushed after that 12 players are summoned.
* The channel (including spectators) should not be limited to 12 slots. There should only be a team limit of 6. As of now I spent much of my admin time kicking out persons in spec, which takes time both for me and for the players who have to wait for the game.
* The “Ready to fight” sound should not be activated when 12 players are in the lobby, but when there are 6 players in each team.
* The chatwindow should not be closed once the game is started. It would be a very good place to communicate with players who have connection problems.
* The karma system is useless, since it has no direct effect on your status on the server. I doubt that very many people use it (after having talked to other people who are playing), and I’ve never used it myself. It is also very hard for players, especially new ones, too acctually see if the others played good during a game. The only use I can think of it is to plus clan mates when I play with them. I think it should be placed with a “Report” button, next to the “Report Missing” button. You should be able to report rage quitting here (quite common now, I think it’ll be decreased with this kind of function) and general bad behaviour. The effect of this should be a ban, it’s the only things that works. Time-limit for minor things, permanent for major things and repeated bad behavior.
* Under “Server info” (you get it after the match has started) the server ip and pass should be in the form “connect; password: yyyyyyyy”, to be easily copy-pasted
Although I had some complains I think it’s in large a very good project, and I want again to say thank you to admins and server providers for the money, time and work you’ve put into this!
Last edited by nath,
I think the server IP should be visible straight away so people can ping the server just in case. Had far too many russian and estonian 250+ ping servers under EU lables.
But other than that, really impressed with both the system and the players.
Last edited by Chux,
Players skills similar to pu1, easier system. tf2lobby wins :)
Can you pls add an option for the lobby starter: random teams/choose teams (and maybe captain, where 1 guy in each team selects the players he wants to play with)?
Last edited by Rele,
Quoted from humbug
can’t see any reason why not. Let us make sure it works properly first so i don’t have to release a ‘fixed’ version.
currently adding support for vent, teampeak 2 and teamspeak 3. i have them all connecting to the root channels on all just need to do the team bits.
Quoted from nath
* To report a player missing, 4 players have to report him. This has so far never happened. This must be changed, it should be enough that 1 player report another missing to call for a sub. You (MangyCarface) said in a earlier post that you put this high number of players because you didn’t trust players to use it correctly and because it wouldn’t be so much work tabbing out and reporting a player. I think you’re wrong in both cases. A very large majority just want to play a good game. As of now it very often becomes 6v5 or 5v5, and it’s very hard to find a sub through the chat-channel on the main page. I’ve already started to see players start quitting and trying to find a new game when it comes to this situation, because they know that it’s very difficult to find a sub.
Too summon it up: The sub system is great, but it MUST be changed so that it’s enough that ONE player report another missing. It works in other pickups, it will work here.
* Too get less players missing from the beginning the Ready function should be changed. As of now players join and press ready at the same time, making it pretty useless. I think the ready function should be there, but that it only can be pushed after that 12 players are summoned.
* The chatwindow should not be closed once the game is started. It would be a very good place to communicate with players who have connection problems.
I agree to the chatwindow thing, would help to communicate with missing players.
Reporting missing players worked well for me though, I just told the people on the server to report someone as missing and it worked. Sometimes it took a minute to explain them what to do, but most of the time I had a “a sub has been requested” when I tabbed back in.
Quoted from Ino
Reporting missing players worked well for me though, I just told the people on the server to report someone as missing and it worked. Sometimes it took a minute to explain them what to do, but most of the time I had a “a sub has been requested” when I tabbed back in.
I acctually got it working one time yesterday as well, I got as lucky as you. Doesn’t mean the system shouldn’t be changed though. With the new suggestion you would always get a sub, and don’t have to explain in one minute:P (don’t happen so often, but it’s hard to explain something to a insert_nationality_here who seems to only have played spy on insert_nationality_here servers and have turned voice off because they’re only jabbering in insert_nationality_here language).
Last edited by nath,
After further play, I got some other suggestions and inputs:
It’s lots of euro servers and euro lobbies, which is good (I’m not the only one who thinks that:P )
There should be a function to call missing sub. Eg if a sub has said that he would join but is not coming to the server, then there should be a button to push to call for another sub.
~85 % of the 6v6 I played on is either on Badlands or Granary, with Badlands in a majority. I’m not saying this is good or bad, just stating the fact.
Cp maps run first to 5 victories, but ctf maps run first to a 5 capture margin.
Last edited by nath,
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