I got question that belong with HUD.
Created 18th January 2010 @ 05:51
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Hi :)
Is it possible to combine numlocked’s stickie charging bar with Nightbox hud?
All I want is Nightbox HUD complete. But combining with the stickie charging bar, but only the bar not all of the ammo&HP by numlocked.
Here’s nightbox hud
Omg it’s impossible O_O
It will just a tip.
Copy from the numlocked’s hud the HudDemomanCharge.res in your resourceui folder.
Sorry for my english.
Quoted from Bigpapa
It will just a tip.
Copy from the numlocked’s hud the HudDemomanCharge.res in your resourceui folder.
Sorry for my english.
I tried this already it didn’t worked ;
Ask numlocked to make you a custom hud, I heard he is cool with making everyone their own personal hud
Maybe you need to copy the HudDemomanCharge.res to resource/ui and the HudDemomanCharge part from hudlayout.res in Numlocked’s hud to the other one.
Go to the scripts folder in numlocked’s HUD and open the hudlayout.res file (with notepad) and scroll to HudDemomanCharge (or ctrl+f to use the find tool). Copy and past everything between the { and } to the same place in Nightbox’s HUD (replace what is in nightbox’s HUD for HudDemomanCharge to what you’ve copied).
Then go to the resource/ui/ folder in numlocked’s HUD and copy the HudDemomanCharge.res file to the same place in Nightbox’s HUD.
Last edited by Zoh,
Quoted from Zoh
Go to the scripts folder in numlocked’s HUD and open the hudlayout.res file (with notepad) and scroll to HudDemomanCharge (or ctrl+f to use the find tool). Copy and past everything between the { and } to the same place in Nightbox’s HUD (replace what is in nightbox’s HUD for HudDemomanCharge to what you’ve copied).
Then go to the resource/ui/ folder in numlocked’s HUD and copy the HudDemomanCharge.res file to the same place in Nightbox’s HUD.
thx :>
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