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help me with tf2dm @ gravelpit

Created 14th January 2010 @ 19:02

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on the rats dm server badlands and granary run fine but as soon as i load gravelpit the server just crashes. anyone got an idea? or maybe point me to a log file or so i can look at. really got no clue what to do here :(



sourcemod logs @ tf/addons/sourcemod/logs

Last edited by Rotab,



If you disable DM & sourcemod can it load gravelpit OK?


it says the last log would be from 8.10.09 :S



Is the date on the server correct?



Quoted from saiboat

it says the last log would be from 8.10.09 :S

Logging is probably turned off then.
tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg should be in the first couple of lines.


——– Mapchange to cp_gravelpit ——–
L 01/17/2010 – 21:19:44: SourceMod log file session started (file “L20100117.log”) (Version “1.2.4”)
L 01/17/2010 – 21:19:44: ——– Mapchange to cp_badlands ——–
i was blind but now i can see, not



Quoted from saiboat

——– Mapchange to cp_gravelpit ——–
L 01/17/2010 – 21:19:44: SourceMod log file session started (file “L20100117.log”) (Version “1.2.4”)
L 01/17/2010 – 21:19:44: ——– Mapchange to cp_badlands ——–
i was blind but now i can see, not

You changed to badlands instantly? But yeah, do what klu said. Turn off all plugins and turn them on one at a time to see which one breaks it.
You could try using the latest sourcemod (1.3), but i doubt that would help.


i was just testing on a private server and atm it seems that a habit of mine caused the crashing, whenever i join a server i click the random class button.
for testing i loaded up granary first, then put sourcemod in warmode so it would unload all unofficial plugins, then put gravelpit on and then reloaded all plugins. i could play for a while but when i went spec mode and clicked random class the server crashed. now the big question: what causes a server to crash on just one specific map when you click that random class button :D
edit : gah actually its the random TEAM button

Last edited by saiboat,

for science

It might be worth checking whether it is sourcemod itself, as if it’s still doign it in warmode (with plugins disabled) then it might be the core of sourcemod that is doing something. Try unloading it, seeing if you still get the problem. Then unload metamod and try again.

If it disappears after you unload sourcemod I’d try askign in their IRC channel as they’re much more likely to be able to help you with server related issues :)

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