m0res hud?
Created 12th January 2010 @ 01:17
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cheers for the help you gave me via irc numerous times, but if you think it’s tiem to go, gl for the rest!
I just switched to flame hud and I like it even more. I reccomend it to any m0re refugees.
thats what it looks like.
stop being a dick, why dont you go make a HUD? and I think num’s done a great job with the HUD, works perfect for me.
I just switched to flame hud and I like it even more. I reccomend it to any m0re refugees.
Thanks for that, it’s pretty cool, although I miss an alternative class-selection-screen like m0re/pvhud had/have.
Screenshot of flame hud:
Can be found at:
thats what it looks like.
stop being a dick, why dont you go make a HUD? and I think num’s done a great job with the HUD, works perfect for me.
Don’t worry, i was only joking.
^Above drawing is an MSPAINT drawing, using the first picture that comes up in the Google search for “Team fortress 2”, 20 seconds looking at the youtube video of numlocked’s HUD from the website, and 150 painstaking hours drawing the lines in by hand, carefully studying the source material.
Last edited by Memento Mori,
Don’t worry, i was only joking.
Nevermind the dry donkeyblowers, it was a great laugh.
Tried eobie’s hud last night, seems decent
I just switched to flame hud and I like it even more. I reccomend it to any m0re refugees.
Thanks for that, it’s pretty cool, although I miss an alternative class-selection-screen like m0re/pvhud had/have.
Screenshot of flame hud: be found at:
In the code google link. Wich 1 should i dl?
Don’t worry, i was only joking.
Nevermind the dry donkeyblowers, it was a great laugh.
they arent donkeyblowerz, stop being a dick.
On a more serious note, this thread needs less cry. Flames HUD is an (imo improved) version of m0res hud. Its a little more aesthetically pleasing and colourful, but the actual positioning and sizing of the elements on the screen are pretty much identical.
Last edited by Skyride,
Why even discuss about this?
We all know ifsix’ hud is the ony decent one around.
Default makes my life so much easier
On a more serious note, this thread needs less cry. Flames HUD is an (imo improved) version of m0res hud. Its a little more aesthetically pleasing and colourful, but the actual positioning and sizing of the elements on the screen are pretty much identical.
I think you miss the point here, m0re put countless hours into the community by providing a hud, a config, a mumble gui and by playing. To lose a valuable player like that, is an immeasurable loss.
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