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Hit Beeps?

Created 7th January 2010 @ 10:45

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I quite like them. For demo it’s useful for spamming over crates: :D

exactly, since you cant see combat text, this was the first thing that came in my mind :)

you can always hear grunts when u hit somebody with spampipes

so as long as they dont tell you how much damage you did, you dont really need them

especially as u know exactly which class you hit when you hear the medic screaming ;)

Last edited by bpf,



I quite like them. For demo it’s useful for spamming over crates: :D

exactly, since you cant see combat text, this was the first thing that came in my mind :)

you can always hear grunts when u hit somebody with spampipes

so as long as they dont tell you how much damage you did, you dont really need them

especially as u know exactly which class you hit when you hear the medic screaming ;)


haven’t tried the hitbeeps yet but I think I’ll prefer getting the damage displayed

Last edited by morf,


I quite like them. For demo it’s useful for spamming over crates: :D

exactly, since you cant see combat text, this was the first thing that came in my mind :)

you can always hear grunts when u hit somebody with spampipes

so as long as they dont tell you how much damage you did, you dont really need them

especially as u know exactly which class you hit when you hear the medic screaming ;)

agreed and as bpf said u can hear the grunts from the class u hit so beeps kinda aren’t that needed

and especially the beep from the heavy taunt…fuck valve are u really that lazy? make a different more low key beep


haven’t tried the hitbeeps yet but I think I’ll prefer getting the damage displayed


Original Quake Live hitsound:

This sound is much better. Unfortunately – works only on pubs. :(


Last edited by MARIANO,

Well, at least they got it halfway right with hitsounds. Like with the TDH. And arena. And the FaN. And the SR fix. And soldier selfdamage. I’m beginning to see a pattern…not quite sure yet.

Imo Anakin should just make TFTrue fixing most things commonly complained about, valve are bound to change stuff around, break this and that, at least if weapons and options are custom within the plugin Anakin can change it according to needs, and only implement changes and options that actually make sense, or implement and improve them.
First: no damage indicator of any sort. Then: damage display. Whine. Then: damage sounds which are shit. All that could’ve not effected comp at all (let’s pretend this happened mid-season) if we had TFTrue with the functionality built in in the first place.

Or make the plugin a mod that is independent from tf2, still basically the same, but independent in the sense that changes/updates only affect the game if Anakin (= the community) wants it to; that way we could have nice things and valve couldn’t break them/substitute them with something worse.

Sure, the latter would divide the community etc pp*, it’d also rid us of these pointless, pretentious bullshit arguments.

TDH crits are gay? Anakin removes them a few days after the update. Valve take 6 months, then change the mini crit to a full crit.
FaN is shit? Anakin fixes it quickly by tweaking some stuff. Valve take a year to change it.
Lack of hitsounds was mentioned but again, he could’ve implemented them ages ago (properly), we could’ve disregarded the damage display, and the shitty hitsounds valve released.

I don’t understand why we don’t have at least tftrue with common fixes in use atm, if not a full mod…you can do it, you have done it, do it big and release it.
If you do release it and people still don’t like a plugin fixing a ton of stuff there always was drama about- fuck ’em. But give it a proper try. Imo.

My claim (tl;dr) here is that people just get tired of hearing “Hey guys, look, I’ve changed this one thing!” when the game has a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed. Present a mod/plugin suggesting fixes for most of those and people might listen.
Most players opposing this probably think of shitty mods like promode in cod4 where muzzleflashes and ambient sounds are removed from the game, only 3 weapons are really valid and ridiculous shit like that- doesn’t have to be that way..
Especially now that there’s probably not going to be any massive additions to the game anymore I would think it should be possible to find a compromise over most issues.

*Like there’d be any 6v6 pubs now…please, it is divided.

Last edited by Fluffy Meowington,

Hit beeps are really annoying right now… that sound makes me wanna turn the volume off :(

James Lame


Original Quake Live hitsound:

This sound is much better. Unfortunately – works only on pubs. :(




Wait a sec…I played sniper/solly and I didnt hear any beeps?I must be the most lucky player in whole tf2 lol (still no hatts!)

Last edited by alfa,




Hope it helps somebody



Hope it helps somebody

I’m glad you linked to your most excellent blog, all that information would’ve made for a terribly nasty wall of text in here.

The Beau


Yeah I too hate it when someone comes up with a fix to a problem I’m having, and then they have the audacity to provide a demonstration, comparison, download link and install instructions all on one page.

Anyway, thanks Chaos! Much better than the original.


after some testing, I also found that it works perfectly with sv_pure set to 1, 2 or 0 :)

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