TF2 Update (06/01/10)
Created 6th January 2010 @ 21:03
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It’s hard to be a mid+ / High demoman. You can see the difference it makes to a team when they run a good demoman vs an average or bad one. You’re a good soldier but you wouldn’t be able to walk into a team and instantly be a mid+/high demoman just because of the class. It’s an easy class to get kills with but because of that, as a demoman your constantly expected to deal close to your max damage output. Just dealing the same damage output as a soldier or scout isn’t going to be enough for your team because demomen are capable of dealing much more than that and the mid+ / high players maximise their damage output.
Well it’s the same issue as the FAN really, the sticky launcher isn’t balanced, like the FAN wasn’t, so terrible players are capable of playing well beyond their ability, as the weapon is so easy to use and so powerful. Surprised really, Valve called them winbombs ages ago yet haven’t done a thing to correct them.
Edit: It’s easy enough to correct, once the sticky has landed on the floor it gradually builds up damage potential, rather than it being used as a better form of rocket launcher
Last edited by Fragga,
Demo isn’t really a problem. Seriously.
The entire competitive style of playing is based around the demoman being the most powerful class. “Fixing” the demo would be a bullet to the head of competitive team fortress 2.
Lol @ all emo’s out here… Fan is still fk great. I loved it before the update and I still love it now…
FAN was always frustrating to play against, it isn’t anymore. The scattergun is, and always will be, a very powerful weapon that just recieved a nice consistency fix. It will take some time before we see if FAN scouts can adapt to the changes before anyone screams under/overpowered.
The FaN was fustrating to play against because it was effective. Anything that isn’t effective is easy to play against, and therefore not fustrating. By toning down the FaN you’re making it easier to play against and so less fustrating. So is the solution for making the game less fustrating to nerf anything that has any element of power to it?
The FaN never had superior killing ability to the scattergun which is why it wasn’t an essential unlock for a scout, and the majority of people continued to run the scattergun. What the FaN did have was superior burst damage (I don’t mean +10 damage and a 0.1 second fire rate increase, I mean the ability to get an almost garaunteed meatshot at close range after hitting a resonable damage first hit) allowing for almost garaunteed instakills providing the player got into the right position. The scattergun had/has an equal killing ability in the sense that you could inflict a constant stream of damage on a single enemy or multiple enemies in succession.
As of now, the FaN pretty much equals the scattergun’s burst damage except for a 10 damage increase at point blank range and and a very small fire rate increase but the FaN massively lacks on the scattergun when it comes to damage over time. Since killing and dealing damage is pretty much 50% of TF2, the FaN is way behind on the scattergun and the other gimmicks aren’t enough to balance the two weapons. It’s not the end of the world that the scattergun is the superior weapon, all the unlocks are never going to be 100% balanced, but it’s a shame that this update pretty much restricts scouts to only having a single viable option when before they had two.
A balanced unlock should allow some people to be better with the original than they are with the unlock, and some people to be better with the unlock than they are with the original. Name one FaN scout that is going to be better with the FaN than the scattergun now, because I don’t beleive there will be any, myself included of course :)
The FaN never had superior killing ability to the scattergun
Yes Arx knockback , better damage , firing speed and extra-jump aren’t superior abilitys I know
Last edited by alfa,
A balanced unlock should allow some people to be better with the original than they are with the unlock, and some people to be better with the unlock than they are with the original. Name one FaN scout that is going to be better with the FaN than the scattergun now, because I don’t beleive there will be any, myself included of course :)
Jeez, you guys are loving the essays eh?
Anyway AcidRenix, I disagree in that as far as I saw most scouts stuck with the scattergun because although the FaN was more powerful it was massively annoying to play against.
Oh and on your theory of annoying = effective, it’s pretty flawed. For example look at Natascha, not really effective but immensely annoying to play against.
The FaN was not overpowered. It did lower the skill ceiling for scouts.
You, arx, may not have noticed this, but in the lower divisions it was immensely noticable and annoying.
The FaN was fustrating to play against because it was effective. Anything that isn’t effective is easy to play against, and therefore not fustrating. By toning down the FaN you’re making it easier to play against and so less fustrating. So is the solution for making the game less fustrating to nerf anything that has any element of power to it?
The sticky launcher is the most effective weapon in the game and was less frustrating to play against than the FAN in the past. The FAN was frustrating because it gave the target very little chance to fight back once the scout hit the first shot. Effectiveness =/= Frustration.
The changes have mostly effected scout v scout duels. A scout using the scattergun has a clear advantage. The close range 2 hit burst hasn’t changed much, the only real difference is that you have to aim the second shot now.
Haunter, before you pop the cork on that victory champagne dunc handed you (apparently arguments are decided on his word, like that guy from mortal kombat 1 that sat in the middle and pulled the puppet strings), i’m pretty sure nothing arx said in his post was moaning, in fact if anything he proved his own point by saying he uses it because he enjoys it. I honestly don’t see where he moaned and i challenge you to point it out as well, but i’m sure skinnie will pop up before long and say “OH NICE ONE VLAD THANKS FOR SHOWING YOU’RE A RETARD” in an authoritative manner which no one dares question and dunc will give him a winners medal too.
I’ll slow it down for you dunc: the gun had slightly better dm capabilities than scatter + movement and versatility. They take away the knockback which reduces its dm and versatility. So now the gun has a fair bit worse dm, movement, and less versatility. Gun is now worse than before. Oh and no one’s moaning.
I appreciate you trying to supply my part in the conversation, but you’re no robert deniro, you really didn’t capture the essence of vlad.
Vlad wins, end of discussion
Hey this is fun!
Edit: Arnold just outlined the same things as arx also without moaning, it IS possible to say an unbiased evidence based review on something without it being moaning. The irony being you moaning about him moaning when he didn’t moan.
Don’t worry skinnie, i’ve got it covered for you in my next post.
The difference is, I don’t and won’t moan about it. I play the game as valve sets out :P I don’t care for this update, some of the changes sound good!. At least if people get killed by my FaN scouting now they shouldn’t have a reason to bitch about it.
The sticky launcher is the most effective weapon in the game and was less frustrating to play against than the FAN in the past. The FAN was frustrating because it gave the target very little chance to fight back once the scout hit the first shot. Effectiveness =/= Frustration.
Point taken.
The changes have mostly effected scout v scout duels. A scout using the scattergun has a clear advantage. The close range 2 hit burst hasn’t changed much, the only real difference is that you have to aim the second shot now.
But see, that is the problem. The FaN has less shots so they made it easier to hit the 2nd to give the FaN extra burst damage (it’s advantage over the scattergun). The scattergun still can deal the same damage but is harder to use. The scattergun rewards ‘skilled players’ by allowing them to do nearly the equivilent damage of the FaN but also additional damage if they hit their other shots as well. While this makes the FaN easier to use to get off a single burst, in order to keep up with the damage output of a scattergun scout you need to be 100% consistent with maximising that burst damage and even then if a scattergun scout hits all of his shots, it is still by far the most effective weapon of the two (The reward for being skilled).
We all know the FaN is easier for players with a worse aim (it was designed like that), but it also has a cap on how effective it can be which is much lower than the scattergun. This makes it a harder weapon to be effective with, especially at the top levels where scouts are consistently hitting the majority of their shots. Not only that, but if a FaN scout misses that first shot, his damage output is not only halved, but on average, it is reduced below half as the second shot isn’t a setup meatshot. This makes it more of an all in weapon and you pay for your mistakes.
The FaN is going to be more effective in lower divisions, in most cases, where the scattergun scouts aren’t consistently hitting the majority of their shots, but there’s a lot of weapons like this. The huntsman is a typical example. The sniper rifle is clearly the more effective weapon, and it’s harder to use (to be very effective you have to hit a heatshot and you suck at close – point blank range). You are rewarded with extra damage and the ability to kill targets at any range providing you are accurate. I’m sure in the very lowest divisions in terms of the skill of players the huntsman is probably more effective in a 6v6 than the sniper rifle. I don’t see the problem with that though.
Different weapons have always had skill ceilings, so have different classes. A heavy in the lower divisions is much more effective than in the higher divisions. Is that a problem as well? The FaN is limited to 1 in matches, one class, one player is rarely going to determine the outcome of a match, especially when we are talking about a weapon which both teams CAN use.
Either way, the FaN _has_ been changed, i’m just stating why i dissaprove of the changes. Who knows, maybe in the long run i’ll become better with it, or maybe I’ll work on my scattergun playstyle and try to improve. But well done community on restricting the viable options we have even further ;) One dimensional game, here we come!
Last edited by AcidReniX,
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