Razer Barracuda opinions
Created 30th December 2009 @ 23:20
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drove over the wire
You just gave me the best mental picture.
Thank you
long post, on topicAlso gryzor, if this is what you even mean, the english language expression is “i.e.” (instead of i.ex) which is a shortening of the latin term “id est” = “that is”. Not very interesting, but i’d hate for you to lose a troll battle because i didn’t mention it! e.g.’s latin too. Exempli something.
I’ve always been taught that e.g. stands for example given.
Would make sense since we do use ie in Dutch, but not eg.
I had a Barracuda once, with the special soundcard. Wrote a review about it:
It was so bad I thought it was defective, so I RMA-ed it and got a replacement:
Get a proper pair of hifi headphones, the Sennheiser HD555 is an affordable one. Get a Creative Audigy 2 or newer card.
1. Install the card and crappy Creative drivers
2. Configure stuff in the drivers like this. If you set it to ‘headphones’ you’ll get a better 3d effect but bad music output.
3. Configure stuff in windows audio like this
4. Set the game to 5.1 surround sound
Enjoy 3d surround sound from stereo headphones. If you don’t think that’s possible, put on some headphones and listen to this
Last edited by Arie,
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