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Created 25th December 2009 @ 11:14

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Hello Good people.

I`m proud to announce this work to you.


It was long way road before today. It is not finished yet (still too many things to do). I`m still looking for help and i hope you will like it ;)
Feed it back: http://pmod.etboosts.com/viewforum.php?f=1

enjoy o/

Last edited by mihalch,


smod = lose



smod = lose

There is no better and easier way to write anything under hl2ob. Most (known to me) providers will install sourcemod on your game server for you.



Will test it after my Christmas dinner! :3



Ok, let me try to explain what this plugin all does and how it works:

Pmod is a SourceMod plugin developed by Mihalch. It ismeant to be a link between the gameserver and the league/tournament organizer. In this case: ETF2L, but other leagues/tournaments can implement it if they want to.

Some features:
– automatically loading of league configs, specific configs for specific competitions and specific maps.
– Selecting your match on ETF2L (This can be done automatically).
– If you’ve selected your match, it can check the steamID’s of the people on the server, and report if they are registered or not. (AKA: verified and in one of the 2 participating teams.)
– After the match is done: upload a matchreport back to the ETF2L, which we can parse, or do with what we want. (This is basically a more advanced version of the normal logs your server make.

How it works:
I’ll assume you have pmod on your server and working.

first time
First you want to auth with pmod. in the console type: pmod auth [your_rcon_pass].
Then you’ll need to link to the ETF2L pmod service, so you can communicate with the ETF2L database. pmod download etf2l.config "http://etf2l.org/?feed=pmod&cmd=getlatest"

You can check if it worked by typing: pmod list That should show the ETF2L config and its version.

Now, let’s skip ahead and assume you have 12 players on your server. Let’s get pmod fired up.

every match
Load the etf2l config you downloaded earlier. pmod load etf2l

choosing your match
After that it will automatically look at the people on the server, and try to guess what match you are playing. If you do not have too many mercs, this should work in most cases.

If this failed, you can always try to guess the match at a later point by using pmod guess, but you can also enter the match ID manually. Go to your match page, and look at the URL. It will be something like “etf2l.org/matches/123123” That 123123 is your matchid. Now enter pmod match 123123

So you got your match entered, cool, let’s start.

If you’re not sure about your opponent’s players, type pmod ids. This will show you if everyone is registered for the right team on ETF2L. An easy way to spot mercs, and other unauthorized players.

Now, before going ready, enter this: pmod start This will load 3 configs. 1) the etf2l config. 2) a config specific to this competition (e.g.: a bball config would have another timelimit) and 3) a map_specific config (e.g.: disable timelimit on pl maps, disable windifference on turbine, etc.)

This means you don’t have to worry anymore about having the latest etf2l config or changing variables on certain maps.

After the match
You type this: pmod stop. This will tell pmod the match is over. After that 1 final step: pmod upload [your_matchid] which will upload the report to the etf2l server so we can parse it or whatever.

pmod homepage: http://pmod.etboosts.com/
Documentation and full list of commands: http://pmod.etboosts.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11
Open test post: http://pmod.etboosts.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11

This is still a work in progress, and not a finished product. There will be bugs. There will be things that can be done better. Live with that, and in the mean while, do suggest ideas for improvement and report bugs/anomalies you encounter.

Last edited by DeNeusbeer,


smod = lose

install sourcemod on your game server

erm… lol, why would someone want plugin that has 1001 security hole + possible crashes all the time



smod = lose

install sourcemod on your game server

erm… lol, why would someone want plugin that has 1001 security hole + possible crashes all the time

Tell me more. For mine memories problem with sourcemod was only once – then valve updated tf2 and ob engine. Sure – you have to update your sourcemod for this cases. All other stuff – is about plugins and your own hands. And once more – i`m not on sourcemod side as final decision. I just have no better(easy and fast development) tools to operate with.


Honestly this looks mighty sexy. Is it impossible to also make it record STV + upload it to etf2l :)



There’s nothing wrong with sourcemod, unless you’re a fail admin, prove me otherwise if I’m wrong, note: prove.

Anyway, I understand what this does, but.. why would you use it? It seems like an awful lot of hassle when the etf2l site checks IDs afterwards anyway, and it’s not that much of a hassle to upload results, it’s useful, but… seems like a pain to use, needs moar explanatation and screenshots :>



Honestly this looks mighty sexy. Is it impossible to also make it record STV + upload it to etf2l :)

It is already does. Mod recording source demos and tries (depends on settings and web-service) to upload it.



Anyway, I understand what this does, but.. why would you use it? It seems like an awful lot of hassle when the etf2l site checks IDs afterwards anyway, and it’s not that much of a hassle to upload results, it’s useful, but… seems like a pain to use, needs moar explanatation and screenshots :>

Why? You can check everything before match. Results (with match statistic and stv demo) will be uploaded automatically, no more screens and forms with false submit. And in fact it is really easy to use – like you always type ‘rcon exec etf2l.cfg’ – now you could do it with ‘pmod load etf2l’. With always updated server settings. I`m sure – there is more things to simplify usage (as i mention already on release notes).. anyway first step is always hard.



I just want to see it in action really :P



So, is this going to be standard in the new season?


(Toucan Ambassador)

I’d like to try this out.
Can I strip all the shite out of SMOD? ^_^


element //

same for SM

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