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Demoman vs Soldier update

Created 15th December 2009 @ 06:17

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Win launcher is Win



god bball is gonna be gay now

Goes both ways really. The likeliness of being airshotted obviously goes up, but at the same time you’re not going to take as much damage from random spam rocket splash. Puts more emphasis of airstrafing and dodging and tbh almost sounds better than how it is now.


omfg best new weapon yet, that thing sounds sick :D



Fucking sick rocketlauncher.


Faster rockets, MORE DAMAGE (hello instagib scouts?)? Unless this weapon has 2 rockets in a clip, it’s sounds overpowered as hell. Soldiers get this and demomen get a fucking sword, sigh.

Great job comparing a primary unlock to a melee unlock.

I’m comparing the usefulness of the currently shown unlockables. One’s useful and might be used a lot while the other one’s fucking useless, wanna guess which one’s which?



Faster rockets, MORE DAMAGE (hello instagib scouts?)? Unless this weapon has 2 rockets in a clip, it’s sounds overpowered as hell. Soldiers get this and demomen get a fucking sword, sigh.

Great job comparing a primary unlock to a melee unlock.

I’m comparing the usefulness of the currently shown unlockables. One’s useful and might be used a lot while the other one’s fucking useless, wanna guess which one’s which?


Lets hope the new secondary + melee for soldier are fucking useless as well.



Quake Fortress 2

Thats a good thing, :)

BBall will be awesome now. Its more about rocket jumping skill and airshots than random pub spam which this new rocket launcher actually pins on. However this is just guessing, lets wait till the update comes out and see for ourselves.



How will it affect rocket jumping?

I assume more damage means it’ll jump further, but make some jumps harder to execute because of the decreased splash.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Surely it would make more sense to give the (old) RL minicrits for airshots.
Theoretically they would be harder to hit than TDH, which already has faster rocket speed and increase damage for directs.

Will reserve judgement until update ^_^

Last edited by Admirable,


Am hoping for its justified damage and speed increase that the rj distance will be less.

I.e. for example a soldier jumping up to cp2 on badlands, would be much harder to do with the new weapon.

Lets hope valve bring back stickies to 137hp damage :X





Am hoping for its justified damage and speed increase that the rj distance will be less.

I.e. for example a soldier jumping up to cp2 on badlands, would be much harder to do with the new weapon.

Lets hope valve bring back stickies to 137hp damage :X




Your new shield will give you -65% damage from explosive damage. So u’ll be cool.


Last edited by Koeitje,



Surely it would make more sense to give the (old) RL minicrits for airshots.
Theoretically they would be harder to hit than TDH, which already has faster rocket speed and increase damage for directs.

Will reserved judgement update ^_^

Im guessing this tbh, if it’s faster then it’s easier to airshot with, but also it means more damage on direct hits aswell so they don’t need to be in the air they just need to get hit point blank, scouts will be easier to take down in some cases.

Will have to wait untill it gets released, but from guessing I think it could be abit overpowered so a speed reduction or damage reduction will be given.



maybe 0 damage falloff on airshots would’ve worked, still rewards long distance pro airshots without the 1shotting

but then again i haven’t seen how it works so whatever

Last edited by wpminnows,


Awesome concept!

I don’t mind the numbers for now, it can be fine tuned with time. Main idea is rewarding the skill, that is really cool.


Well played valve. So far you gave the expected more precise rocket. However you used the racist hatrid in you to give the demo man something we’ve not seen since the collapse of Hadrians wall. For this, every one laughs at you.


@knife. Sure. But +25% damage means it’s gearing the soldier away from close combat quarters. You’re likely to do as much damage to that scout as you are yourself at point blank.

Last edited by thaldarin,

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