
Petition : TF2 and ESWC

Created 30th November 2009 @ 10:51

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the tf2 petition looks fucking horrid compared to the css one. If ur gonna do something then might aswell do it right.

TY for BuN for putting in a great deal of effort though



Yeah he can be a complete penis, he is only like 9 or something after all, but his heart is in the right place.

His heart isn’t really in the right place though, pretty much everything he does is out of attention-whoring and I doubt he actually cares about the tf2 community. At least that’s how he comes off a lot of the time. It’s all fine and dandy to defend Nightbox, and there are certainly a lot of bandwagon-jumpers that really should learn when and when not to post, but at the end of the day he brings a lot of it on himself.

Nightbox’s ego is his worst enemy, but that isn’t really a rarity in online videogames. He should follow the sterling example of the likes of Psunfragga and BvD that finally gave up insisting that they were div2 and settled down into a nice div4 clan. Just try and be a little less “me me me” Nightbox and people might start recognising the good things that you do.


The numbers of sign in don’t care , believe me. I ll attempt another approach.



His heart isn’t really in the right place though, pretty much everything he does is out of attention-whoring and I doubt he actually cares about the tf2 community.

For this part of your post i’m considering you a person without a real opinion.


He makes up for it later on in the post.



For this part of your post i’m considering you a person without a real opinion.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.



Yeah, sorry, that’s why I said “not to take anything away from BuN” because I know it’s his initiative to begin with and I know he’s been working on making these LAN events annnnnd he knows how much I appreciate that.

But at the same time, it was the Nightbox who had the idea of making a petition and who saw it through etc. BuN has done a huge amount for us and will carry on to do so but it narks me when people start slating Nightbox. Yeah he can be a complete penis, he is only like 9 or something after all, but his heart is in the right place.

pardon? I posted the idea, he made the petition. (:



cba to read what you said Vali but you’re wrong :D His heart is in the right place, he just feels like he should occasionally be praised for it rather than have everyone jump on the insult-Nightbox bandwagon.

Regardless of your opinions about him, there is only one end game goal and that is to progress TF2 as an “e-sport”. My original point was that refusing to sign this petition because Nightbox set it up is so fucking gay it’s actually unbelievable.



You’re never going to have sex with his little brother, dunc. Just give it up already.

Last edited by Vali,



signed bump :)



And look when you say “attention whore”. Isnt he 9 , for fuck sake?



i’m gonna sound like a cunt, but it would be a fucking shame if tf2 got to the ESWC before some great and solid games like Quake (and Quake 3 was at the last ESWC) or even, why not, cod4 …



And look when you say “attention whore”. Isnt he 9 , for fuck sake?

im 14,4


wtf??? 14,4!!! …..



Wow, stop bitching about fucking Nightbox, jesus, he set up a petition, a good use of his initiative, don’t turn this into a anti-Nightbox thread just because hes a man with a plan. Fuck off and troll another thread, he hasn’t done anything here other than help, regardless of the shit in the past and your own opinion.

Sign the petition and fuck off. kthx.
Edit: GJ to BuN too.

Last edited by howdeh,

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