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Secret TF2 'All Stars' game

Created 11th March 2008 @ 10:20

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Some people need to remember TFC way back in the olden days.. Popularity with broad audience = 0,0000001

They dont want to see boring tactics that they dont understand, hell even the QuadV guys don’t know what they’re talking about.

But people that dont know the game want to see action, cool moves, ENTERTAINMENT!

Teamplay is ofcourse the roots of the TFx series and it will always be like that, but u can never use it as a means to reach a broad audience cause most will be bored to death.

Example: Who accually likes watching an hour of hardcore CS on sourcetv or whatever when you can watch an AVI action packed with headshots and 5 in a row kills..

I’m all for this project, just don’t over-use the power.


RaWr ::

Actually when TFC featured at a CPL in the US it had a SHITload of specs and so on so NER :D

Ok, so mvp, if you’re seriously doing this for the “better”. Lets get some advertisment, with time,dates,lineups on sites like gotfrag etc. Not much point advertising on TF2 community sites, as you said, you’re trying to pull more coverage and more players to the game. Now fly away and get spamming on some of the none-tf2 forums..gogogogogo



Why do some ppl think that mvp’s AS idea and a allstar-clan cup exclude eachother? Why cant both happen? Eh?

Wlv, how bout you fly to the non tf2 servers to promote a tf2 “pro-cup” that you and Drew are obviously just itching to start….gogogogo


RaWr ::

“Wlv, how bout you fly to the non tf2 servers to promote a tf2 “pro-cup” that you and Drew are obviously just itching to start….gogogogo”

Learn to read?



non tf2 servers = non tf2 sites

stupid forums need an edit button… :/



eh what BOOM?
learn to read what?
Wlv and Drew are both saying that this AS game is a bad idea because their not playing…i mean because they think it will hurt the tf2 community somehow. Instead their suggesting to do something else aka the cup thing.
So how bout they start making it happen then?


To be honest, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t recognise that this started out as nothing more than an ego trip. It’s true that some of the best players in TF2 are indeed playing, but this game does nothing to showcase the amazing unique team quality of TF2, its strongest selling point.

I don’t give a crap about it really, if people want to play in this they will. Just don’t expect me to be silling furtively in front of my monitor watching quadv with a box of kleenex and some baby oil :D



RaWr ::

Agron or w/e the fuck your name is. I don’t disagree with the idea as such, ive been speaking in pm with mvp`, on how to market the idea a little more, so it does, indeed fullfill its intentions.

One thing I do disagree with is the way it has been set up and I’ve already suggested to mvp that maybe next time, with the backing of ESL we can make it a more accessable event, with voting systems and so on.

Maybe you shouldn’t jump to those conclusions of yours, as it seems you don’t have the intelligence to get to the correct one.

As to creating a ‘pro’ competition, ED has a 6on6 Cash comp, ESL EMS is doing the same, the ETF2l latter stages will feature the top teams and theSGL champs league is in the semi final stage. So another ‘pro’ competition would be slightly too much, no?


RaWr ::

Oh and another thing, I really don’t care that I’m not playing, I don’t rate myself the BEST HEAVY IN EU ROFFLES…..and as I already said on page one, most of the lineups I don’t disagree with.

Christ, if you’re going to flame me, atleast read what I’ve said!



agron cracks me up, ‘just because drew and wlv wanted to play, its now a shit idea…’ (cant remember exact quote, and cba to copy paste, but it was along those lines) is utter bs, they both sed they didnt care if they didnt play, the idea was ego fueled, and now the comment from mvp ‘oh well dont expect me to do anything for the community again’ quote made me laff…

/me passes mvp a 20pack of IQ biscuits, that’ll get you started…

sympathy voting doesnt work well on the inet ;P



ah ok Wlv, i just read your “gogogo” message as a bickering FU to mvp’s idea. If that wasn’t the case, then apologies. And I based my “i guess Wlv. just wanted to play and is angry because he won’t be” pretty hastily upon Drew’s behaviour. Again my bad for generalizing.

Serious question though: if we already have those “pro-leagues”, why does Drew bother to suggest a creation of another to substitute mvp’s idea? And do you really think this match will actually harm the community in some way?

angora, upon what do you base your “you must be blind/stupid whatever if you dont recognize this as an egotrip”? Eh? Because you, who is according to wai “the best demo in the world” (source, wai’s public ownage vid in youtube), happen to think so? heh, well unfortunately your opinion on the matter doesnt really weigh more than anyone elses. And i guess noone expects you to watch the game if you dont want to. But you should also realise that noone really cares whether you watch it or not.

wai, tbh everyone who’s not on the list will say “i don’t care if I dont play”, it’s a basic ego protective reaction to not being included in something exclusive. Some might actually mean it, but others don’t. Hard to tell the difference between the sincere and not sincere because we’re not actually having a discussion face to face.


Agron I never said my opinion did weigh more? Since everyone else was posting their thoughts, I did too. Also it’s a relief no ones expects me to watch the game, there I was thinking I would be forced into watching it. Also I don’t know why you talked about my ability in your post, it’s irrelevent. I’ve never said I’m the best demo in the world, and I’m not up my own arse enough to make such a daft claim.

And it did start as an ego trip. Btw gg, 11-1 :D



heh, angora :D

11-1? wasnt it 7-1? :/

heh anyways, i’m kinda tired of this pointless flaming, so i wont comment anymore on that :P

(oh and just realized wai isnt waizer, so yeah, I fail above) :P


Why are we debating whether someone who has chosen the name most valuable player isn’t an egotist who’d go out of his way to make sure everyone knew how “amazing” he is?


Could you drop the whole mvp issue, everyone knows that’s just his way of doing things. At least he’s doing something, instead of just crying out loud on forums and IRC about how bad this whole initiative is. Start your own All Star game or whatever you want to call it and let the community vote. mvp’s “ego” is doing way more for the community than anything you’ve done.

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