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STV Demo Needed

Created 29th August 2008 @ 10:47

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I taught myself how to play demo by watching ryb on 4k’s source tv which they kindly run virtually every night (thanks for that).

Stv and demos are a huge help for noob clans like mine but I can see some people like byte don’t want to give away their sticky trap spots etc which is fair enough.

Making all 1st division clans upload demos is far too much to ask but at the same time uploading a few every now and then is greatly appreciated. :)

One thing I will ask – will there be stv for the pc gamer lan? If not can you guys please record demos, I’m really interested in seeing it.



jizzed in his p

Better clans uploading their demos, even if its div3/4 and yeah, maybe even 5 are still enjoyable watch and help alot of clans which are new and need hints and tips and if the TF2 community is going to grow then we need demos by everyone, not just div1 (even though these will be probably the better games).

In competetive play, without watching the higher clans demos…not many clans will progress and get better. Anyways, I don’t see why this thread needed to turn into a whine fest when all the OP wanted was a certain demo which will probably be to old to play now anyways.

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